/ / In search of good and evil: proverbs about truth and lies.

In search of good and evil: proverbs about truth and lies.

Do you think that you always need to tell the truth?From an early age, children are taught that it is not good to lie. But the time comes to grow up, and they themselves understand - they are deceiving everything. So the person and the society surrounding him is arranged. And how now to act? Proverbs about truth and lies can help in finding the answer to this question.

Judge for yourself, from time immemorial peoplethey compose various sayings and sayings in which the theme of truth is touched upon. And although many of them are no longer one hundred years old, the wisdom hidden in them is still relevant today.

proverbs about truth

Thinking of man about good and evil

For some reason, it is commonly believed that lies and evilare on one side of the barricade, and the one who deceives automatically becomes bad. But how then can you explain the saying "another lie for salvation"? Such paradoxes in the world view have long started to interest the minds of philosophers, forcing them to spend days on end in search of the right answer.

Chances are great that proverbs about the truth andlies are just the fruits of this reflection. With the small difference that their authorship is attributed not to a specific person, but to the people. And, in fact, what's the difference? After all, content is much more important than a wrapper.

From the world by thread

It is important to note that proverbs about truth and lies were popular in all countries. So, this problem was topical everywhere, and moral values ​​were similar in all regions of the globe.

So, the Arab proverb says:"It is better to tell the truth, rather than for years to walk around the bush." Proceeding from this, it can be argued that honesty was a sign of a brave man. Although lies in these countries were not banned. That confirms another Arab wisdom, which reads: "Before deceiving the interlocutor, smear the tip of your tongue with honey."

proverbs about truth and lies

The Chinese were of the same opinion.Their proverbs and sayings about the truth led to the idea that the truth is always blurred. A good proof of this is the Chinese proverb: "The truth has many faces." And yet their favorite saying was "If the truth is on your side, then you will always win the argument."

Пословицы о правде были популярны и у европейцев.For example, the Germans said: "The force knows the truth, but does not like to be affected." A pedantic English came up with another saying: "Too many words drown the truth."

Proverbs about the truth in Russia

Our ancestors appreciated morality and watchedthat their descendants observe moral principles. That is why the Russian people have such a huge list of sayings and proverbs on various topics. Including the truth about the lie.

Looking ahead, it should be noted that the Slavspoorly perceived a lie, because "the truth with the crooked in one harness does not go." They did not approve of deception and despised the liars. And when Christianity came to Russia, the lie was ranked as vice. And all the deceivers, according to popular beliefs, were to go to hell.

For the long history of Rus people have added not one hundredproverbs. Find, and even more so to learn them all is simply impossible. Therefore, consider the most common proverbs about the truth and lies that could reach our days:

  • "The truth is how an awl in a sack - no matter how much you hide, it will still come out."
  • "Everything is decaying, the truth alone will remain."
  • "He who honors the truth rewards the Lord."
  • "The truth is neither afraid of water nor fire".

proverbs and sayings of truth

But nevertheless there are proverbs and sayings in Russia in which the idea is expressed that a lie is not always bad, but the truth is not an absolute value. For example:

  • "Every man has his own truth."
  • "True road, but happiness is better."
  • "Telling the Truth - Destroying Friendship."

Where is the truth?

And how now to decide:always tell the truth or the deception still allow it? Unfortunately, no one has a definitive answer to this question. Here, everyone will have to look for his own where is the truth hidden.

More importantly, there is one in the universeunwritten law: "The truth always comes out." And whatever the thoughts of a man who is going to lie, he should always remember this. And only realizing all the consequences - to make the final choice.

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