/ / Valve motors: the principle of operation. Electric motor with own hands

Valve motors: the principle of operation. Electric motor with own hands

Valve motors are in many wayssimilar to electromagnetic analogs. However, it should be noted that the devices are capable of operating in AC and DC networks. For today distinguish single-phase, two-phase and three-phase modifications.

The average power of the model is 5 kW.The operating frequency of the engine does not exceed 60 Hz. Some modifications use the rotor position sensor. The valve motors are most often used for compressors and ventilation systems.

valve jet motor

Device Diagram

A conventional engine includes a statora box with an anchor, as well as a rotor. Collector in low-power modifications is installed brush type. If we consider single-phase valve motors, then they have a pole piece. Behind him is a special rotation shaft. Powerful models have a rotor core. Bandyx is used to excite the chain. The shaft of the motors of the fan motor rotates with a special disk.

Principle of operation

The principle of the engine is built on a magneticinduction. The process consists in exciting the stator winding. This happens by applying voltage to the bendix. Many modifications also use the rotor position sensor. The terminal boxes are used to connect the regulators. Clamping rings are used to fix the shaft. Heavy duty engines have a retractor relay. It is necessary to strengthen the electromagnetic field.

three-phase valve motor

Model with own hands

Make the electric motor (valve) itshands quite difficult. First of all, a magnetic stator is required for the assembly. In some cases, the rotor is used with a steel anchor. Next, you need to prepare a shaft with a head. By diameter, it should fit under the ring. The stator in this case must be with a primary winding, which can withstand a voltage of 220 V.

For connecting a valve-type motoryou need a guide. It is obliged to connect to the terminal box. At some updatings the shaft fastens on a disk. Thus, the process of speed dialing is fast. To avoid short circuits in the circuit, a sealant is used.

valve motor

Reactive modification

Make a valve jet motorown hands can only be based on the brush collector. First of all, you need to choose a rotor with a winding. Further under it the shaft is established. In some cases, it is used with a volumetric nozzle. To reduce the frictional force, you need a small ring on the roller bearings.

Further on the valve jet motorset the bendix. In this case, the disc is fixed on a key. The terminal box must be located at the rear of the engine. The shaft must be located in the central part of the housing. Vents are often made above the rotor.

DC devices

Direct-current dc motorcan be folded on the base of the brush collector, which is able to withstand a large output voltage. After fixing the stator, it is necessary to engage the rotor. For this purpose, a shaft and a small diameter disk are selected. A powerful retractor relay is also required. Some use it with a high-voltage winding. At this stage, special attention should be paid to fixing the core to drive the winding. Used submersible DC induction motors, usually in aircraft construction. Some models have a complex scheme of air cooling with channels.

AC Models

It's quite easy to make a model of this type.However, the assembly requires a bendix. In this case, it must immediately be selected with a steel core. Some experts recommend the use of aluminum tips. However, the conductivity of the current is low. Direct voltage supply is via the terminal box.

In many modifications, the brush manifoldis installed in the front of the case. Thus, the shaft can be used with a small diameter. The contact rings are attached if a high power motor is being made. In order to reduce the frictional force, bearings can be used. Install them next to the collector.

direct-current motor

Single-phase motors

For drives of low power is suitablesingle-phase valve motor. The principle of operation of the devices is based on an increase in the inductance of the magnetic field. For this, a brushless collector is used. Bendixs in devices are absent. It is also important to note that stators can only be used with high conductivity. However, first of all, a quality rotor is required for the assembly. Install it next to the shaft.

The next step is to weld the ring.The disk must be located on the other side of the shaft. A fan is suitable for cooling the valve-type motor. In some modifications, retractors are used to amplify induction.

Two-phase models

Two-phase valve motors can becollect yourself. For this purpose, experts recommend using powerful bandixes. In some cases, stators with primary winding are used. To fix the rotor, you need a solid case. In this case, the tips should be used with good conductivity.

In order for the electromagnetic field to be amplifieduniformly, coils of different sensitivity are used. Retractor relays are mounted behind the stators. The shaft in the construction must be on the disk. Keys are used to fix it.

electric motor with own hands

Three-phase devices

A three-phase valve motor is calledA device that operates on the principle of increasing the induction of a magnetic field. In the models, the bendixs are installed only with high sensitivity. In this case pole poles are used to amplify the electromagnetic field. Directly, stators are used with paws. Some modifications have brush holders. It is also important to note that three-phase valve motors are often used to operate drives at 20 kW. The frequency in this case does not exceed 60 Hz. The shaft of the models must rotate freely. To do this, manufacturers equip the devices with roller bearings. Many models have special conductors that connect to the terminal box. Direct power supply is via the power cable.

Model with low-frequency bendix

Low-frequency bendixs allow steadilyincrease inductance in the circuit. Many models of this type are distinguished by their sensitivity. In order to assemble the device yourself, you need to pick a good stator. Modifications with anchors will not work.

It is also important to note that low-frequency bendixesNot able to work with retractors. All this leads to a rapid overheating of the engine. In order to remedy the situation, you need a powerful fan. You should also provide a small coil. Due to this, the winding will be able to withstand a voltage of 220 V. To avoid cases of short circuits, use a brush holder.

valve motor working principle

The use of high-frequency bendix

Make the engine with high-frequency bendixquite simple. This will require a simple stator. Directly the rotor is selected with the primary winding. To increase shaft turns use special grinding wheels. Many configurations have retractors. It is also important to note that for assembling this type of engine a high-quality brush holder is required. For its fixing use slip rings. To reduce the force of vibration, apply seals of different stiffness. In many configurations, a housing is installed above the rotor.

valve motors

Using a traction relay

Traction relays are very often installed onindustrial valve motor. The principle of operation of the device is based on a moderate increase in the strength of the magnetic field. In this case, there is a consistent excitation of the winding. In order to independently assemble a modification, you should use a brush collector.

Also in this situation can not do without coilthe main pole. However, first of all you need to fix the rotor with the shaft. After that you can do the terminal box. The primary winding of the valve-type engine must withstand the output voltage of 220 V. Special attention should be paid to the stator. To reduce the force of vibration, high rigidity seals are used. To fix the shaft, you need a snap ring.

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