At the border of just three states is locateda huge mountain of Roraima (Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil). This miracle of nature is the highest point of the Guiana Highlands, the height of the peak is 2810 m. Roraima refers to the type of table mountains, or tepui, which means "House of the Gods" in the Indian language. The uniqueness of this place lies in its isolation from the surrounding world. Here, for centuries and millennia, a unique flora and fauna has formed, so on the mountain you can see a lot of inhabitants who are no longer in any corner of the planet.
For a long time, Mount Roraima has notobeyed climbers, even the most skillful could not climb up the steep rocks. For the first time the human foot set foot on the top in 1884. Then researchers discovered a ledge from Venezuela, only it can climb up. The scientists were surprised by what they saw: the plateau seemed like a huge cold island, lost among the shrouds and rainforests, located at the foot, but at the top there was a huge number of endemic plants, as well as unusual animals. Some representatives of the flora were carnivorous. Also, waterfalls falling from Roraima rocks were found, they flow into Orinoco, Amazon and Essequibo.
Mount Roraima is known for its favorable climate,contributing to the growth of unique vegetation. Tourists are always surprised when on their way they meet whole plantations of unfamiliar plants, therefore such trips are interesting for nature lovers. Even without climbing to the top, near the foot of the plateau, you can see many interesting things and admire the delightful scenery. Among the travelers there are rumors that in the local rivers one can find real gold nuggets.