The concept of a political system arose inpolitical science back in the middle of the XX century and implies a cumulative set of institutional bodies and legal norms that determine the life of society. First of all, of course, in the political sphere (except for it there is a cultural, social and economic), that is
Politic system. Concept and types
Modern political scientists distinguish three main types that exist in the world today.
Types of political system: democracy
At the heart of this system is the principle of collective solutions. Once she was born in ancient Greek policies and was characterized by a meeting of all citizens of the city
Types of political system: authoritarianism
Despite the mechanisms in democratic systemsprotection from the usurpation of power, the latter sometimes happens. It may be, for example, the result of a military coup, or it may not be the result of democracy at all, having been formed in the state in the place of archaic forms (for example, a monarchy that has preserved its position to the present day). Authoritarianism is characterized by the concentration of all government powers in the hands of a single person or group of like-minded people. Often it is accompanied by a violation of human and civil rights, the lack of real opposition in the country, and so on.
Types of political system: totalitarianism
At first glance, this system is very similar toauthoritarianism. However, if it is held by the force of military bayonets and the suppression of political freedoms, then totalitarianism is distinguished by the deepest control over the social and spiritual life of society. A person here from an early age through various state organizations is brought up in the conviction that this power and this path are the only true ones. Therefore, paradoxically, often totalitarian systems are characterized by greater legitimacy than authoritarian ones.