What is the name of the city swallow in the medievalliterature, many know. The people narek her funnel. The size of a city swallow is about a sparrow. But her pure white nadhvoste and abdomen, black back with a bluish tint, a tail with a pretty neckline, legs covered with cannon and feathers are so attractive that people have always been very gentle towards this bird.
Swallow flies fast, cleverlypicking up insects caught in the way. Despite a weak and inexpressive voice, she is very sociable. Calling chicks to him with short, bubbling sounds like “chirr-chirr” or “trick-trick”. He loves not only bird neighbors, but also people. When a cute little family of swallows is watching you, sitting on the wall of your house, it becomes so warm at heart, and quiet joy fills the heart.
The city swallow is a wonderful harbinger.rain and weather. True, in our days their number has decreased significantly. This is due to the fact that it becomes harder for swallows to find food and the clay and fiber necessary for building nests. Within cities, there are practically no puddles from where they draw construction materials. Today, people are driving them away from the eaves of their houses, taking care of the cleanliness of the facade.
Nowadays, when cities and towns have becomethey are inhospitable to urban swallows, and because of the toxic chemicals spraying the fields, gardens, and even woodlands, there was not enough food in them, this species of birds is also found in abandoned quarries near the water-filled quarries. In some Western European cities there are groups of people trying to protect such birds. To do this, people set up artificial nests and birdhouses for several families on high masts. Next to them organize continuous fountains, the bottom of which is filled with clay and wool and vegetable fibers.