В шоубизнесе постоянно происходят какие-либо important events. As for the personal life of the stars, this is perhaps the most interesting topic. Here and now in the news of show business, one of the news, which touches the private life of Marat Basharov and Tatyana Navka, is brightly covered. One of the most romantic couples has recently disintegrated: now Navka and Basharov live apart. This wonderful couple liked, if not all, very many. The Internet is just full of photos, where the smiling Marat hugs Tatiana, whose eyes are shining with happiness. It was a beautiful, romantic couple. What prevented their happiness?
Now the former beloved live separately from each other.friend - this news shocked everyone. An interesting question is emerging about why Navka and Basharov parted. Scenarios of their parting a lot. Some say that the blame was a great love for each other, which, strangely enough, contributed to the fading of their feelings. Indeed, the truthful, loving Marat at the beginning of their relationship literally kissed Tatiana, as they say, "from head to toe." And as psychologists say, you can not be so passionate about your half, as this can become boring with time, and then - lead to parting. Others say that Tatiana broke off relations with Basharov because of his frequent drinking. And someone says that Tatyana, being not a Muslim, simply was not approved by his family. Which of these versions is true - no one knows, since Tatyana herself refuses to talk about the break. Someone is sure that Tatiana and Marat simply did not fit each other, since Basharov is a very sexy and hot man, but Tatyana does not see these qualities very clearly.
Следует напомнить о программе «Ледниковый period ", in which Basharov and Navka took part. Tatiana and Marat's novel began here. It was a beautiful story of great love. They lived together in a Moscow skater's apartment. Basharov wore his beloved on his hands almost every day, kissed her, gave expensive gifts. But the couple's happiness did not last so long. Basharova began to strain her busty life. Often Navka and Basharov quarreled, loudly scandalized. It ended up by putting Marat out the door with the suitcases. He went to the bar and sat there until the morning. There were, of course, reconciliation, again carefree evenings together, then again scandals and a bar. It seemed that this chain of events would never end. But everything happened unexpectedly - Navka and Basharov parted ways. Many friends and acquaintances could guess the possibility of this ending of this novel, and yet they were very surprised by this event.
As already known, Tatiana and Marat participated in theprogram "Ice Age". Navka and Basharov rode in pairs. Many said that this is the most amazing, the most romantic couple of the project. How they all turned out great! It seemed that they were skating in one breath, understanding each other only by sight. It was not just a duet, they were the favorites of the program. The couple was worshiped not only by the audience, but also by the jury. By the way, Navka and Basharov won in this enchanting show.
Very quickly spread the rumor about the upcomingthe wedding of the stars, which surprised their friends, because the couple was extremely scandalous. It was rumored that both Marat and Tatiana had filed divorces with their spouses. The wedding ceremony for the stormy couple was planned for the autumn season. A well-known actor and no less famous skater had to overcome many difficulties on the way to his happiness. After all, Tatiana was not a Muslim faith, and for the Marat family it was taboo. His family was categorically against the upcoming marriage and was ready to accept exclusively a Muslim woman. Nevertheless, the long-awaited wedding did not take place, as the former beloved does not regret.
После разрыва Навка и Башаров встретились на a new television show - "Ice and Fire". Marat was invited to him as a lead, and Tatiana - as a participant. Navka at that time was riding with Alexei Vorobyov, a very attractive man. The participant of the program did not hide feelings to her new partner. And on this score, there were some disputes. Some thought that she just wanted to annoy Basharov, take revenge on him. And others said that between them the real passion is boiling, and the birth of a new novel is just around the corner. In any case, it was clear that the presence of Marat strongly strained Tatyana, as, indeed, Tatyana's presence was not easy for Marat.
После разрыва отношений Татьяна и Марат prefer to avoid talking about their tumultuous past. Both believe that this novel was a big mistake in their life. If they have to meet somewhere, they pretend that they do not notice each other. However, some believe that it would be possible to return everything, that their romance requires continuation, and that they both very much regret the end of their beautiful love story. But so far neither Tatiana nor Marat have taken a single step towards each other. Who knows what is happening in these hot hearts? It is possible that there still remained some feelings.
What will happen next - only time will show.Maybe they will come to their senses and realize that parting is far from an option. It is possible that the relationship will resume. Or maybe they have forgotten each other forever, and they will never even establish friendly relations.