/ / Is the ceremony a celebration?

Is the ceremony a celebration?

The word "ceremony" can be heard quite often:and when they talk about divine services, in speeches about official solemn events, and in talking about cultural phenomena - for example, in discussing the tea tradition of Japan and China.

Vocabulary Definition

Dealing with what constitutes that oranother phenomenon, it is first of all to turn to the dictionary. According to him, the word "ceremony" is a borrowing from Latin, so strongly influenced all modern European languages. So, dictionaries give two basic meanings:

  • Ceremony is a socially or culturally conditioned sequence of actions of symbolic significance; a set of several rituals.
  • Some actions that a person perceives as a conditionality and carries out under the influence of circumstances, since it can not produce a bad impression on the people around.

the opening ceremony

The most famous ceremonies

Among the most famous ceremonies are the following:

  • Tea ceremony is a unique culturalthe tradition of the countries of the East: China and Japan. Chinese tea tradition is more reminiscent of the usual tea drinking, while Japanese is a complex ritual. There is an expression that describes this relationship: "Chinese tea ceremony - it's a lot of tea and little rituals, Japanese - little tea and a lot of rituals."

ceremony is

  • The opening ceremony of a monument, building or institution is also a classic example, and the cutting of the red ribbon was a symbol of new beginnings.
  • The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is one of thethe most magnificent and bright events in the cultural and sporting life of the world. Each such event is a unique view, in which thousands of people are involved, for which weeks and months of rehearsals are spent, during which the action of each person is perhaps not reconciled in seconds.

The ceremonial part of the culture is a rich reservoir, full of details and features, which can be studied indefinitely.

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