/ / Photo, personal life and biography of Otar Kushanashvili

Photos, personal life and biography of Otar Kushanashvili

Его именуют авантюристом и ужасом русского show business, he says with great pleasure that he is an "anti-journalist" and a "chemical pure genius." A bright brawler, an outrageous showman, an unpredictable and impudent journalist, a television and radio host are all Otar Shalvovich Kushanashvili. He can sympathize with someone, and annoy someone. Bribes the audience with incredible wit, erudition, audacity of judgment, sincerity.

Young years

Otar was born in Kutaisi (Georgia)June 22, 1970 in a large family. His parents - Shalva and Nelli Kushanashvili - raised nine children. While still a schoolboy, he became interested in journalism. By nature, emotional and erudite, he saw himself only in this area. His communication with the outside world and the desire to express his opinion on any subject, even if someone doesn’t like something, was in Otar’s blood. The first test in journalism occurred in a small newspaper, Kutaisi Pravda. An ambitious guy read a lot. He did not just get acquainted with the authoritative publication Literary Gazette, but literally swallowed its content. He wrote his thoughts to the popular authors of publications and critics - Stanislav Rassadin and Lev Anninsky.

biography of flock Kushanashvili

After leaving school Otar Kushanashvili entersto the University of Tbilisi at the Faculty of Journalism. But after a while, he is very quickly expelled for a long language and unacceptable behavior. Soon the guy was drafted into the army. Honestly and faithfully serving the country, he decided to go to conquer Moscow. But the capital did not immediately meet him hospitably and friendly. At first, a young guy washed the floor at the Paveletsky railway station, worked at night as a school watchman, and sent his resume to all Moscow editions day after day. He sent messages to 35 editors, but received an answer only from one.

The beginning of the creative path

The creative path of Otar Kushanashvili (photo is inarticle) began in the newspaper "New Look", headed by Yevgeny Dodolev. Persistent and ambitious Georgians were appointed to the post of correspondent. At first, it was very difficult for him, because the first difficult test for him was the study of Russian grammar. But the young journalist turned out to be capable and persistent, and after 5 months he was marked with an editorial prize for the excellent interview he took from Vera Glagoleva and Viktor Merezhko. But still Kushanashvili was not sitting in one place, he tried to break through wherever possible.

Otar Kushanashvili children

Вскоре он познакомился с директором канала ТВ-6 Ivan Demidov. It was he who saw in this impudent and insolent guy what he needed for the promotion of the Shark of the Pen project. In the end, Otar met his hopes. The first broadcasts raised the ratings of the program, the name of Otar appeared at the hearing. The guy asked the guest stars very provocative questions that they were shocked. Georgians did not hesitate; he showed absolutely no respect for people who are known throughout the country. Biography of Otar Kushanshavili is replete with vivid and memorable events. So, in the question of Valery Leontyev, he was not soft. He asked about the orientation of the singer and whether he had a connection with his dog. The artist was shocked and surprised, but parried the answer with humor and his inherent grace. But not everyone has such composure as Leontiev.

Otar Kushanashvili biography personal life

Манекенщица Наталья Медведева очень обиделась на cheeky guy and threw a microphone at him. But soon the careless reputation of an inglorious cynic and a rowdy was no longer pleasing the journalist himself. He realized that in the pursuit of ratings and popularity crossed the forbidden line, and soon left the TV show.

Scandalous fame

Конечно, радикально меняться журналист не He was going, because this is his image, for which he is paid a lot of money. Once Sergey Lazarev underwent his tough attacks - Otar announced about his terrible vocal abilities to the whole show business. He was repeatedly attracted to the courts by Alexander Abdulov, Alla Pugacheva. Sometimes the unknown beat him badly. It is not surprising that once his teeth were knocked out. Biography Otar Kushanshvili touched and politics. In 2008, he called Mikhail Saakashvili a shame of the nation, but after a while he changed his mind about him as a person.

Otar Kushanashvili children biography

But there were celebrities who were not exposedcriticized outrageous and daring journalist. For example, Ksenia Sobchak, he considered the most intelligent of all the girls, who will not let herself be offended. Those who respect Kushanashvili include the following Russian pop stars: Iosif Kobzon, Valery Meladze, Leonid Agutin.


Already in the mid-90s creative biographyOtar Kushanashvili replenished with new projects, he became a big celebrity in the world of show business. And it does not matter at all that the word “personality” was added with the prefix “scandalous” - no one disputed the popularity of the journalist. In 1995, he became the head of the Musical Truth weekly. As part of the project, Otar took about 300 interviews with celebrities. In 1997, he began to conduct the music program "Party Zone" together with Leroy Kudryavtseva.

Later he was invited as a host for the Big Kush, On the Boulevard projects. He also paid attention to Otar and the radio: he conducted broadcasts on the waves of “Europe Plus” and “Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

Since October 2015, the biography of the journalistenriched with new pages. He began to lead in the morning the show "100% of the morning" on the radio "Sport FM". Then he tried to take the vacant place on the Ukrainian radio channel "Radio News", but the journalist was denied the request.

Otar Shalvovich Kushanashvili

Acting activity

Biography of Otar Kushanashvili every yearreplenished with a variety of events, which included and samples in the cinema. So, he appeared in the comedy film “33 square meters”, in the criminal serial “Kamenskaya-3”, in the action-drama “Club”. In addition, he starred in such films as: "Kaleidoscope", "Life is like a movie." On the account of Otar several published books: “I and the Way in ... How to win the good”, “I. Book-revenge.

Otar Kushanashvili: biography, personal life

Когда-то Отар говорил, что не сможет повторить the feat of his parents and raise nine children. But despite this, the journalist already had 8 of them. First wife Maria Gorokhova presented him with three kids: a daughter, Daria (Dariko), sons George and Nicholas. All now live with his mother in Kiev. According to Otar Kushanashvili, children are his pride. Especially Daria - beautiful and clever, her plans - a successful career on television. When the couple divorced, Maria sued at Otar all property.

Otar Kushanashvili photo

After breaking up with Maria, Otar met hisnew love in the face of Irina Kiseleva. She was not related to show business and worked as a banking lawyer. Two children were born in their family: daughter Elina and son Fedor.

Children scandalous journalist

We told you about the bright moments in the life of OtarKushanashvili, biographies, children (of which there are many) and how happy he is in his third, but so far unofficial marriage with Olga Kurochkina. Once again, he chose a business woman who presented him with three children: daughter Elena and sons Mamuka and Roman. Otaru was able to introduce all the children from different marriages, who cordially accepted each other and now maintain warm relations.

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