The territory of the Russian Federation is rich in waterresources. Volga, Yenisei, Lena, Irtysh, Ob - how many majestic rivers are in our country. The Pechora, one of the deepest rivers in northern Russia, flows along the northern outskirts of the Ural Mountains.
The article will talk about where the source is andthe mouth of the Pechora River. Its length is about 1800 km, the pool has an area of more than 320 thousand square kilometers. The river is divided into four sections: from the source to the river Ilych - upper, between Ilych and Usoy - middle, from Usa to Oksino village - lower, estuary.
Many are interested in where the source and the mouthPechora River. A river is born in the Northern Urals, in its western mountains from the south-eastern side of the Komi Republic. This is a secret place in one of the largest biosphere reserves in Russia - Pechora-Ilychsky, near Manpupunyor Board, a great wonder of nature. The mountain with which it originates is called Pecher-Ya-Taliakh-Syakhl - the phrase “The river that gave birth to Pechora” sounds in Mansi. Here, where the source of the Pechora River is located, the waterway is a small stream that tends down the mountain covered with lichen and moss. Below the stream becomes a real mountain river with a strong current and large rapids.
Between the Pechora River and the Big Shezhim River (its righttributary) mainly karst relief, there are many grottoes, ditches and caves (it is believed that the name of the river comes from the ancient Russian "cave"). At the confluence with the river Union, the Pechora loses its mountainous character. From the village of Yakshi, it begins to flow along the Pechora Lowland quietly between steep banks. At the confluence with the Usa River, a delta about 2 km wide is formed, from which wide floodplain meadows begin.
About 1.5 kilometers to the mouth of the Pechoradivides into the Big Pechora and the Small Pechora. In the region of Naryan-Mar (the administrative center of the Nenets Autonomous District) the river forms a delta 45 km wide and goes to the Pechora Bay - the beginning of the Barents Sea is the mouth of the Pechora. The place where the Pechora flows into the Barents Sea is so wide that it is called the Pechora Sea. At its core, it is part of the Barents Sea, southeast. Pechora abundantly feeds the Barents Sea with fresh water (approximately 130 cubic km).
С июня по октябрь, когда Печора свободна ото ice, the mouth of the river serves as a shipping route for industrial and shipping ships. Fisheries are available not only where the source and the mouth of the Pechora River is located, but also throughout the river basin.
Pechora - the largest waterway of the RussianNorth. It supplies the population not only with fresh water, but also with fish. Where the source and mouth of the Pechora River is located, pristine forests belong to the protected UNESCO sites. It is the only forest biocenosis in Europe, which has not been touched by man to this day.