/ / Waterproofing of the foundation "Technonikol": description and types

Waterproofing of the foundation "Technonikol": description and types

Waterproofing of the foundation "Technonikol"is widespread today due to a wide range, excellent technical characteristics and high quality, which allows you to choose the material even for the most complex designs. Protection of the surface against moisture through the use of materials of the brand "Technonikol" can be performed in several ways, among them: coating, impregnating and pasting.

Oak waterproofing

basement waterproofing

If you prefer to use a backingwaterproofing, then you can pick up one of the materials of the brand "Technonikol". For example, "Technoelast EPP" is a floating material in the form of rolls for waterproofing. It is performed on the basis of glass fiber or polyester, and on both sides are arranged bitumen-polymer layers. The outer side has a reinforcement in the form of a fine-grained powder, while the inner surface consists of a polymer film. The material is characterized by biological stability, as well as the ability to undergo hydrostatic loads, which reach an index of 0.2 MPa. This waterproofing foundation "Technonikol" is designed for structures located on the soil, to the surface of which the groundwater is close to. "Technoelast EPP" is used in those areas where seasonal soil movements are noted. Installation is carried out horizontally or vertically by the technology of fusing.

Alternative variants of waterproofing of the mark "Technonikol"

roll waterproofing techno-base for foundation

"Technoelast ALPHA" is a fusible rollmaterial, which is made on the basis of double-sided polyester raw materials. It is reinforced with foil, and the coating is represented by bitumen, supplemented with polymer plasticizer. As a protective coating is a polymer film. This waterproofing is used for foundations that can radiate radon gas during operation. Very convenient to use are the varieties "Technoelast Barrier" and "Barrier Light", which have self-adhesive layers consisting of a polymer film. The material can be used for both external and internal works, which is convenient for waterproofing basements. The last variety of these has a layer of non-woven material, which is located on the outside of the film. This greatly facilitates further finishing works. Waterproofing of the foundation "Technonikol" is represented by another type of roll material - "Technoelast MOST", which is used to protect horizontal bases, which are resistant to punching and increased strength.

Features of the use of waterproofing of the mark "Technonikol"

basement waterproofing

Oak layer waterproofing of the foundation "Technonikol"It is used with observance of certain technology. At the first stage, the foundation is prepared, its base is leveled, the protrusions are eliminated, and the potholes are rubbed with cement mortar. The surface is tapped, degreased, gets rid of rust and paint marks. From the protruding reinforcement should be disposed of, and before laying the roll material, the surface must be covered with a primer and dried. Next, a layer of lubricating waterproofing is applied, which is kept until completely hardened. After the foundation is ready to fix the roll materials. If you have a material with a self-adhesive layer in front of you, then it should be pressed tightly and rolled with a solid wide roller.

On the horizontal plane layingis carried out in such a way as to obtain the minimum number of joints. Vertical waterproofing is made of individual strips, which must first be cut to the height of the foundation. The width of the overlap should be approximately 15 millimeters. Each next layer is laid by the central part of the strip on the seam of the previous one. At the same time, one should observe the chess order.

Covering insulation

bitumen basement waterproofing

The manufacturer of "Technonikol" produces compounds,which can be used for sprayed and lubricated waterproofing. The latter variety is produced using polymer, bitumen and combined mastics of cold and hot application. Their difference is the temperature of the mixture. Soaking waterproofing of the foundation "Technonikol" in the form of hot mastics is more difficult to apply, but it penetrates deeper inside, fills cracks and capillaries. Cold mastics are two-component and one-component, the first of them require mixing with the activator before starting work. To improve the quality, primers are used, they have the form of primers for bitumen-rubber or concrete solutions.

Common varieties of insulation grade "Technonikol"

waterproofing foundation materials techno

If the foundation waterproofing foundation"Technonikol" is more preferable for you, it is possible to purchase the composition No. 21, which is represented by a mixture with increased strength. Water resistance can reach a value of 0.1 MPa, which was achieved due to the presence of a rubber modifier. The mixture is applied in a cold form, and at minus temperatures the composition will need to be heated. To achieve a positive result, at least two layers must be applied. One-component bituminous mastic No. 24 MGHTT can be found on the market, in the manufacturing process of which additives are used in the form of mineral reinforcing filler. Mastic is intended for cold use, applying by roller or brush in several layers. This bitumen waterproofing of the foundation "Technonikol" is capable of undergoing a hydrostatic load, which reaches an index of 0.001 MPa. Effective mixture for waterproofing structures from capillary moisture. If it is necessary to work with a porous surface, then it should be primed with a primer. The solvent for mastic is white spirit. Bituminous lacquer No. 25 is used for the surface treatment of concrete, it is intended for the upper part of the base and can be used as a primer for painting.

Description of water-based mastics and mastics for hot use

bituminous mastic for waterproofing of the foundation technonikol

If you will be waterproofingfoundation, the materials "Technonikol" for this perfectly suited. You can choose, for example, mastic "Tehnonikol" № 31 or № 33. Both varieties are made on a water basis and are water-based mixtures for spraying. In the manufacturing process, dispersed petroleum products and emulsified latex are used. For the convenience of application, a mechanized method can be used, water permeability at the same time will reach 0.1 MPa per day. For hot use, MBK-G mastic can be purchased, which is supplied in briquettes and provides for heating up to 180 degrees. The application is carried out with a spatula, and the surface is pre-treated with a primer. Among the advantages are fast hardening and low cost.

Description of the primer No. 04

waterproofing foundation technonikol 200

This bitumen mastic for waterproofingfoundation "Technonikol" can be used as a primer for dust and porous surfaces. The emulsion quickly dries, dissolves with water and can be used as a basis for a polymer and mounted roll-on waterproofing layer.

Shutoff waterproofing "Technonikol 200"

Waterproofing of the foundation "Technonikol 200" ismaterial that is made on the basis of polyester. It is impregnated with bitumen-polymer binder, and on both sides is covered with Spunbond. It is used to protect partitions, walls and mauerlata from capillary rise of moisture. The material is laid on bitumen mastic or mortar and is delivered in conveniently cut rolls that have three sizes. The material is reliable and durable, within 6 months it will persistently undergo the action of ultraviolet rays. Its service life reaches 50 years, and the base is strong and not a suitable medium for the appearance of putrefactive processes.

Characteristics of the waterproofing isolation mark "Technonikol 200"

Rolled waterproofing "Technonikol" forThe foundation has a mass within one kilogram per square meter. Within 24 hours water absorption does not exceed 1%, heat resistance is 100 degrees. It is important to take into account the relative elongation, which can exceed 30%. In tension, the breaking force is 344 N.

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