/ / Monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg: description, photo

Monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg: description, photo

The idea to erect a monument to Catherine II inSt. Petersburg came to the heads of the nobles and during her reign. Who, if not her? Against this was the queen herself. However, by the centenary of her accession to the throne (September 22, 1762), the idea began to be realized.

Century from idea to realization

monument to Ekaterina 2 in St. Petersburg

The question of installing the monument to the Empress wasraised in April 1863. The initiator was Baron Fredericks, the son of a Russian Count, baron, noble family. He was supported by all the estate departments of the City Duma and the United Commission on the benefits and needs of the public. The initiators proposed to install a monument on Alexandrinsky Square between the Alexandrinsky Theater and the Public Library located in a building that belonged to the late queen. Until this time, the monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg has not been established.


In 1862 a competition for the best project was announcedmonument. It was won by artist and sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin, already known throughout the country thanks to the complex "Millennium of Russia", erected on his project in Veliky Novgorod. His new work in the Rococo style was awarded in London at the World Exhibition of Medal of Honor. But the monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg was originally planned for installation in Tsarskoye Selo. And for this M. Mikeeshenm was made in 1861 model. After the decision to install the structure in the city on the Neva in the layout, it was necessary to make changes, although the general idea remained the same. In 1864 a new figure was cast by master Sokolov. This model was later placed in the pavilion "Grotto" in Tsarskoe Selo.

A serious approach

St. Petersburg monument to Ekaterina 2
The overall management of the work was entrustedarchitect DI Grimm, an academician, one of the founders of the "Russian style". Another architect, VA Shreter, and two sculptors, AM Opekushin (author of the monument to AS Pushkin in Moscow) and MA Chizhov, joined the team to erect the monument. A little remodeled model of the monument received the highest approval. The work began. The figure of the empress, standing with a regal bearing and graciously smiling to the first faces of the state, was sculptured by Matvei Afanasyevich Chizhov. The monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg reminds of the general outlines "Millennium of Russia" - the same form of bell, the central statue crowning the whole monument, at the foot of which are figures of important figures for the country. At the Catherine obelisk they were sculpted by Opekushin Alexander Mikhailovich, and figures of the most prominent figures of the glorious epoch of the reign of Catherine the Great were at the "Nichols and Plinke" factory by the best masters-bronze casters.

Total for the monument to Catherine 2 in St. Petersburg(photo in the article) it took 50.8 tons of bronze. This metal went to make a laurel wreath encircling the foot of the marble pedestal (marble was taken from the Karelian Isthmus), to the candlestick lamps of 4 lanterns located along the perimeter of the monument, and a board on which it is written that the monument is hoisted in the reign of Alexander II. The author of all the bronze details and the most granite pedestal was Grimm DI. According to the drawings of his pupil Victor Schroeter, the ornamental details of the lanterns were made.

One queen in the sky

Monument to Ekaterina 2 in St. Petersburg Photo
With a total height of 10 meters, the figurethe very Catherine II is 4.35 meters. The Empress is depicted with a piety - she is not a despot, she is the mother of power. Majestic, but affectionate, wisely ruling the country. In her hands is a scepter, and instead of a power - a laurel wreath, which symbolizes not only power, but glory. After all, all Europe knew that the Russian Empress was a wise and enlightened woman. On the regal shoulders, an ermine robe is thrown over - one of the regalia of power. The second - the Crown of the Russian Empire - lies at her feet. On the chest of Catherine II is another symbol of royal power - a diamond sign on the chain and the star of the Order of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, established by Peter I.

The good companions of the cohort ...

Monument to Ekaterina 2 in St. Petersburg Description
The merciful queen smiles to her nobles,who did everything for the greatness of Russia during her rule. Who are these people whom the whole country knew, not just St. Petersburg? Monument to Catherine II immortalized their names.

Face to the Nevsky Prospekt are figuresPetra Rumyantsev-Zvdunaysky, who ruled under Catherine Malorossia, the most brilliant prince George Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky, who took Ochakov and annexed Russia to Novorossia. Legendary Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov - the third figure in the group. All of them contributed to the expansion of the borders of the Russian Empire. As you move towards Anichkov Palace, the figures of the poet Gavriil Derzhavin and Ekaterina Dashkova, the president of the Russian Academy, have made their contribution to the formation of a great power. Further, the prince Alexander Bezborodko and Ivan Betskoi, the president of the Academy of Arts, headed the entire foreign policy of the state. They are facing the Public Library (St. Petersburg). Monument to Catherine II is complemented by two more figures, located opposite the Alexandrinsky Theater. This fleet commander Vasily Chichagov, polar explorer, and the legendary Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky.

Днем воинской славы России считается 7 июля, when the Russian fleet under the command of Alexei Orlov won a brilliant victory over the Turks in the battle of Chesma. These are really the best people of their time, and no city legends will diminish their merits, as the significance of the Great Catherine will not be diminished by the familiar name of the surrounding monument to the square - "Katkin Garden."

Legends of the central sight

monument to catherine 2 in st. petersburg address
One of the most famous sightsOur country is a monument to Catherine II in St. Petersburg. The description can be continued with some statistical data. He managed the state in 316 thousand rubles. The opening ceremony and release of commemorative medals increased this amount to 456 896 rubles. The monument was erected over 10 years. Legends surround him, as, in fact, and any attraction. One of them is connected with the moment of the beginning of construction - following the example of one hysterically enthusiastic lady who tore off a ring from her finger and threw a ring into the foundation pit, some other women did it. Well, how many of them should it be, so that in the heads of the Petersburgers a legend about "untold treasures", buried at the foot of the monument, was born. By the way, in the piles during the construction were mounted samples of gold and silver coins of the rulers of Russia?

Monument to Catherine 2 in St. Petersburg, addresswhich: Central district, Nevsky Prospekt, 56, is located in the historical center of the city. Nearby are Catherine Square and the Alexandrinsky Theater. It can be easily reached by public transport, you need to go to the metro station "Gostiny Dvor".

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