/ / Why is it necessary and how is the disposal of the lamps?

What is the need and how is the disposal of the lamps?

Fluorescent, or fluorescent lights, longhave become an integral part of the usual life of a person who does not want to overpay for electricity. You can buy such an attribute in any store for a relatively small price. It seems to be all simple. But what to do in the case when the bulb burns out? Such lamps should never be thrown into the garbage with normal household waste. Such a burnt light source requires proper disposal.

Reasons for special disposal of lamps

The main disadvantage of these lamps iscontent in their construction of a small amount of mercury. Without it, the principle of operation of the device itself is impossible; therefore, it is not possible to completely eliminate mercury.

Lamp recycling

The main danger of fluorescent lamps is tomainly mercury can be converted to a harmful substance methyl mercury and accumulate in the environment. Imagine, if everyone throws out the lamps to a regular landfill, what kind of pollution this area may have over the years.

When injected into the human body allOrganic mercury compounds can cause serious poisoning, which will lead to disruption of the central nervous system. As a result, you can observe the negative impact of mercury on all organs of the human body.

That is why it should be remembered that at the end of the shelf life of this device must be a special disposal of lamps.

Technology and disposal methods

Recycling fluorescent tubes starts withtransportation of the object to the place of demercurization. Simply put, you just need to take a similar light source to a special reception point for similar waste that can be found in each city. These may be management companies or housing offices that undertake to ensure the reception, proper storage and transportation of hazardous waste to the processing plant.

Recycling fluorescent lights

After sending such objects to the enterprisefor demercurization lamps are recycled in several cycles. Initially, all the glass parts of the flask with the phosphor are sent to a shredder, which crushes them to a certain critical fraction. After that, the compressed air flow blows off the phosphor, coming after such a procedure in a special container. It is here that small parts are heated to a boil. It turns out gaseous mercury, which is to go through a stage of cooling on special condensers. As a result, the output can be obtained not only the pure metal itself, but also all other compounds that got into it during processing: glass and phosphor components. After such actions, the resulting mercury can be used again.

Utilization of lamps by enterprises

Fluorescent lamps used onenterprises contain much more mercury than household. Therefore, the utilization of such lighting requires attention to itself. All enterprises should dispose of a failed light bulb according to a special scheme, which must be documented. Such information passes through the accounting of each organization, so if necessary, it can be easily checked and even written out a fine to malicious violators. Storage of lamps before transportation to the place of processing should be carried out in special containers of the closed type. Send a similar cargo for recycling at least twice a year.

recycling lamps ecology waste management company

Registration for lamp recycling by individuals

Today the question of how is goingproper disposal of lamps by ordinary consumers, while only waiting for proper study. Best of all, a similar problem is solved in the capital, where the process of recycling energy-efficient light sources is provided by regional REUs or DEZs. In the marked places should be containers where you can put old lamps. At the same time, both the DES and the REU undertake not only to collect, but also to ensure the recycling of all the lamps.

It is worth noting that such "garbage" is consideredtoxic waste, so you should use the services of a special organization for which the correct disposal of lamps is important. The company "Ecology of waste management" can help both large enterprises and individuals in Moscow and the region to do all the work quickly, reliably and efficiently.

Recycling lamp photo

What if the lamp breaks?

If for some reason fluorescent lampIt turned out to be broken, you should not immediately rush to collect fragments with your bare hands. First you need to ventilate the room where the accident occurred, and then in disposable gloves with thick cardboard to collect all the fragments in a separate garbage bag. Even in this form, the lamps should be properly disposed of. Photographs of variants of similar lighting devices will help to better understand what is related to this designation.

In conclusion, it should be added that the disposal of toxic waste is considered to be a very important process in the modern world; therefore, it is worth paying due attention to this process.

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