/ How much does an elephant live? We'll find out!

How long does an elephant live? We'll find out!

Now there are only two species in the elephant order,more. You can see an Indian and African elephant. These large animals are planted in the steppes of Africa and in Egypt. The females and males have tusks, but they are of different sizes. The adult representative weighs about seven tons, and grows to four meters in height.

how much an elephant lives
Indian elephants are slightly smaller, their weight is not more thanfive tons, and growth - up to three meters. Ears are small, this species does not have tusks. They live in the jungles of India, Indochina, Burma, Ceylon and Sumatra. These elephants are more peaceful than African.

The symbol of wisdom is an elephant

Such a beast is distinguished by a clear mind and excellent memory. The number of proboscis reaches 690,000 throughout the planet.

How many years do elephants live?

To answer this question, you need to consider the habitat and way of life.
Every day, an elephant spends a meal aboutsixteen hours. In a day it consumes about three hundred kilograms of vegetation. And how much does he consume liquids? On average, from one hundred to three hundred liters. Drink the animal with the help of a trunk, which, by the way, is placed neither much nor little - seven liters of water.

To tame the elephants began 4 thousand years ago. This was done for the purpose of use in the household.

So, how much does an elephant live? On average, the life expectancy of this animal is about seventy years. Although there are individuals that survive to eighty-six years.

how old do elephants live
Let us note that many factors influence the duration of their life. For example, the environment of an animal. As you know, an elephant is a herd animal. To find food, he is separated for a while from his relatives.

The negative effect on life expectancyelephant stress, since this animal, like a person, can laugh, rejoice and be sad. By the way, it is the elephant - one of the few representatives of the animal world that can hug. Do you know what he does? Of course, with its magnificent trunk.

On how much an elephant lives, the periodfeeding. After bearing, the mother feeds her cub with milk for about three years. If you tear the baby from her earlier, it can negatively affect the life of a small baby elephant.

How do elephants live?

Now we'll figure it out. We have already considered the question of how much an elephant lives, now let's talk about another topic.

In one herd, as a rule, there are from ten to fifty or more individuals. By the way, there are family ties between them.
The leader of the pack is the wise elephant, the youngfemales and cubs are her wards. Note that adult members of this squad prefer a solitary lifestyle, but often visit a herd.

how elephants live
As a rule, the herd leads a nomadic way of life,Despite this, elephants have their own daily routine, which they adhere to. Early in the morning they go to the river to rinse and get drunk. Elephants are still clean, they can water each other with water for hours. These animals perfectly swim, they can easily swim the widest river.

After hygienic procedures, elephants eat breakfast with vegetation. Then they go into the shade and rest. Toward evening, driven by thirst, the elephants can again return to the river to get drunk.

After a day's sleep, animals search for food. By the way, some elephants sleep standing, although most prefer to lie down for the night.

All elephants, and not only the leader, aresufficiently vigilant. Their eyesight is weak, like hearing, but the scent is simply superb. If a small calf is suddenly attacked by a predator, then the whole herd rushes to the rescue. Every fourth elephant is torn apart by tigers, but predators are rarely attacked by adult representatives.


Now you know how much the elephant lives and what this animal represents.

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