/ / Mountain gorilla: photo, description

Mountain gorilla: photo, description

The largest and most powerful representative of the detachmentprimates is considered a mountain gorilla. To date, the number of these huge animals totals about seven hundred individuals, so they are listed in the Red Book and protected by funds and international environmental organizations. The life of these great apes has always been shrouded in terrible legends and mysteries. But everything changed when several brave researchers decided to study their habits and behavior.


In the early twentieth century, the mountain gorilla wasIt was opened by the German captain Oskar von Bering. This man was an officer, not a scientist, so he was not in Africa for zoological research. However, he was able to collect a lot of evidence of his discovery, so this type of primates was named after him - the mountain gorilla Beringe.

mountain gorilla

After a while the Museum of Natural History,located in America, decided to send to Congo Karl Ackley. He was a naturalist and taxidermist, so the purpose of his trip was to shoot several individuals of these animals and make them stuffed. After completing his task, returning home, he was able to convince scientists that these rare primates need to be saved, not killed, since this species is already on the verge of extinction.

Carla was so interested in the mountain gorilla that he studied these animals until his death and was even buried in the park where the primates live.

Besides him, these great apesmore studied George Schaller and Diane Fossey. Thanks to these researchers who lived in close proximity to giant animals for many years, the myth of the bloodthirstiness and ferocity of the eastern mountain gorillas was dispelled. Scientists also conducted an active campaign to combat the brutal extermination of primates, since in the middle of the twentieth century they were only 260 individuals.


Despite the fact that it is good and perfecta harmless animal, the mountain gorilla possesses quite a formidable appearance. The description of these giants suggests that they have a large head, a broad chest, a flat nose with large nostrils and long legs. All individuals, without exception, brown and closely set eyes, surrounded by dark rings around the iris. These animals are almost all covered with fur, except for the chest, face, feet and palms. Their wool is black, and mature males still have a silver strip on their backs.

Ranks second in size among primatesmountain gorilla. The length of the body in an adult male can reach 190 cm, and weight on average from 170 to 210 kg. The female is much smaller, since its body weight does not exceed 100 kg at an altitude of 135 cm.

mountain gorilla photo


Currently, the area of ​​these primates is the most protected place in Central Africa. They live in a small area near the Great Rift Valley, on the slopes of extinct volcanoes.

These animals are divided into two isolated and small populations. One of them lives in the mountains of Virunga, and the second - in the south-western part of Uganda near the National Reserve.

mountain gorilla body length

The behavior of giants

In this protected area, primates leadcalm, measured and monotonous life. They live in small and friendly families, consisting of a leader, several females and cubs. They have babies about once every four years. Unlike their large parents, the baby weighs only two kilograms. Having reached the age of four months, he climbs onto the back of his mother and rides there for the next three years of his life.

The mountain gorilla is a fairly peaceful animal,so it rarely acts aggressively. Quarrels in their families occur infrequently and mostly among females. These primates are good and deftly climbing trees, although they mostly lead a terrestrial lifestyle and move on four limbs. They spend the night there, where they will find their sunset.

Mountain gorilla Description

What do they eat?

These animals get up rather late, after whichare built up by a chain and sent in search of provisions. The leader is the leader, and all the other members of the herd follow him. Finding a suitable place, the whole group wanders, and everyone gets food for himself. Their diet consists mainly of vegetation and fruits. In addition, they can still eat larvae of insects, shoots, stems and snails. Thus, according to scientists and researchers, adults and young males can eat about 35 kg of vegetation per day.

The meal of gorillas is as follows:animals sit comfortably in the middle of their chosen site and begin to absorb everything they can get, and when all the tasty ends, they move to another place. In the middle of the day there comes a break, during which the whole group rests and digests food. After such a halt the family again gathers in a certain detachment and is looking for another food.

Interesting Facts

It turns out that not one threateningfrighten people and their enemies mountain gorilla. The strength of the hands of this animal is simply incredible, and the length of the canines is about five centimeters. Therefore, when the male feels the approach of danger, immediately begins to rush towards his enemy, shaking everything in his path. Reaching the goal, he gets on his hind legs and strongly hits himself in the chest, thus showing his serious intentions. But the leader can attack a foe only if he starts running away from him in horror. For this reason, the bites of such primates in many African tribes are considered shame.

mountain gorilla force

The mountain gorilla is not yet fully understood in our days.Photos of their daily life show that animals have a very high intelligence, which has not yet been fully disclosed by scientists. But unfortunately, despite the growth in the number of these anthropoid apes, their population continues to be on the brink of extinction. Therefore, many environmental organizations carry out various activities designed to help and maintain the number of these primates, thanks to which there is a hope that this species of gorillas will not disappear.

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