The metro station "Dubrovka" is located onLubelsko-Dmitrovskaya line. It was opened in 1999. However, the construction of this station took longer than expected. What is the reason for the multiple transfer of the opening date of the Dubrovka metro station? This, as well as the area in which the station is located, will be discussed in this article.
Plywun is the most insidious enemy of metro-builders.Represents a soil saturated with water, it is liquefied under mechanical action, thereby slowing the process of opening the pit. This problem was first encountered by workers in the thirties, when the first stations of the Moscow subway were being built. At the same time metrostroevtsy also began to apply such technology as ground freezing. This method "arrived" to the capital from remote Siberia, where prospectors have long learned to freeze mines in order to accelerate the penetration.
However, the trouble is that the metro station "Dubrovka"was built in an area in which several industrial enterprises operated. Freezing the ground was not so easy. The enterprises regularly experienced a leakage of hot water, the quicksand, located below, was constantly heated. In such conditions, deep freezing is impossible. The construction of the metro station "Dubrovka" was suspended. For four years, the trains were sent from the Peasant Outpost to Kozhukhovskaya without stopping.
The Dubrovka metro station was opened thanks toeconomic crisis, which by the end of the nineties reached unprecedented scale. As is known, most of the enterprises in these years ceased to function. The stopped plants from now on did not warm up the groundwater, and the work was completed.
The station "Dubrovka" is located from the surface ona distance of sixty-two meters. It is a column-walled three-vaulted. The interior of this station does not have bright distinctive features, with the exception of a mosaic panel located at the end of the hall. The floor is lined with red, gray and black granite. The author of the above-mentioned panel is the famous artist and sculptor Zurab Tsereteli.
The Dubrovka metro project was createdback in the early nineties. The working name of the station is "Sharikopodshipnikovskaya". As already mentioned, there is an industrial enterprise on the surface. Hence the name. However, it is worthwhile to tell more about the history of the district, in which the Metro Dubrovka was opened in 1999.
When exactly originated in the territory of modernMoscow's village Dubrovka is not exactly known. But the first information about this settlement is noted in historical sources related to the fourteenth century. Until the 18th century, the village was part of the Krutitsa farmstead.
A few centuries ago the Dubrovka area can not bewas called pictorial. However, like most of the historical places of the capital. But in an area in which, at the end of the 21st century, the Dubrovka metro station was opened, a long time ago, for many years, there was a huge sewage system. In addition, they organized a slaughterhouse and irrigation fields. The location of the village was such that the smelly smells, from which the locals suffered, did not penetrate the center of the city. The thing is the Moscow wind rose, which was taken into account when organizing sewerage in Dubrovka.
The first plants in this area appeared at the beginning of XXcentury. In those years, Dubrovka was a typical working village. Soon the district became part of Moscow. And in 1925, an active construction began here, as a result of which twenty-five houses were built on five floors. But the city planners did not stop there. By 1928, a larger residential complex appeared in the district, including five-storey houses, which at that time testified to the high achievements of Russian architecture.
Such is the brief history of the district under the nameDubrovka. Which subway is located here, described above. But it is worth saying that not only the station borrowed the name from the ancient settlement. In honor of the village, formed in distant medieval times, the streets located here (1 st, 2 nd Dubrovskaya) are named.
The name of this area, as well as the metro station,is associated with the tragic events in the history of Moscow, and the whole country. In the concert hall, located near the metro station "Dubrovka", in October 2002, terrorists captured more than nine hundred people. According to official data, 130 people died as a result of this terrorist attack, among them ten children.