Hierarchy is a consistent arrangementelements of something in common with each other. The important point is that there must be something important on the top step, and on the lower one - small and insignificant. Elements can, for example, range from large to small, from hard to reach to easily accessible, from the powerful to the weak.
The hierarchy is found, in particular, in public administration.
In large groups exceeding their sizeinsignificant companies, an organization of power is inevitably formed, which can be represented in the form of a hierarchy. This happens in any large corporation or organization. Do not forget that the state, which is a certain form of public authority, is also subject to hierarchy. This system is necessary so that orderliness prevails in the world. Public administration can not exist without a hierarchy.
A social hierarchy is a collection of filters,through which upward can pass not so wise, educated or highly moral individuals, how well oriented in society and cultural.
So, hierarchy is a set of socialfilters, through the first of which it is relatively easy to pass, but as they move upward they become more rigid, hence, not all reach the last step.
A.Maslow said that human needs can be divided from simple to complex, and the desire for something higher can appear only after a person receives satisfaction from the lower. For example, when he feels protected or eats.
So, the hierarchy of needs is a system of desires, to the realization of which a person strives all his life.
A hierarchy of goals is a system consisting ofseveral steps. How does it look like? It is very simple: on the lower steps are located small targets, and on the upper - larger ones. Writer Harry Adler, who created a book called "NLP. Modern psychotechnologies, "he talked a lot about this. He argues that any goal must be represented in a kind of hierarchy, where the lower is subordinated to the higher. To do this is very useful. The hierarchy of goals is a pyramid that demonstrates what is important for a single person. It allows you to better understand and recognize the individual.
At the top of the pyramid can be located information about any desire or value of a person, for example, achieving emotional balance.
It is quite clear that the objectives located on thehigher levels, may at first seem ghostly and vague. But the tasks below should be quite clear and tangible. This is a very important condition.
Every person should createown pyramid of goals and to check how daily tasks, which take so many forces, help in the realization of central and higher desires. After completing this exercise, the individual can learn with the mind to allocate time, which, as a rule, always happens a little. Hierarchy is a saving straw for a man who is rushing between his numerous affairs and does not have time.