/ / Shrubby dog: lifestyle and photos

Shrubby dog: lifestyle and photos

Shrubby dog, whose photo is now beforeyou, an extremely secretive animal. His story began very unusual. Once scientists managed to find the remains of an unknown beast until that time, they decided, of course, that these were the bones of an extinct creature, and they gave it the name of "cave dog".

What was the surprise of zoologists, whentropical forests of South America, the same cave dog was found, which was listed as missing from the face of the Earth. Because of stealth, this animal just did not come to people's eyes. In size, the shrubby dog ​​resembles an ordinary fox, only more massive. It is very difficult for zoologists to study this beast, but something about his way of life is still known to science. This will be discussed in this article.


The body of the shrubby dog ​​is elongated, compact,with well developed muscles. Paws relatively short, strong. Thanks to its limbs, the beast can run very fast. The tail is short, well pubescent, but far away to the fox of a magnificent beautiful tail.

Head of medium size, heavy, with a blunt short muzzle. Ears very small, pretty, slightly rounded. The eyes are almond shaped, small in size, dark, under the color of the coat.

The coat is smooth, the touch is stiff. Color of fur coat is dark brown with a rusty hue.


In the wild, a shrubby dog ​​chooses forthe habitat of a place where there is an opportunity to hide and hide from enemies. These creatures live in forests, in pampas and thickets of shrubs, and they can also be found in swamps.

Shrubby dog, the distribution of which falls on a fairly extensive territory, is increasingly rare in nature. The area is the northern part of South America from Bolivia and Brazil to Panama.

Shrubby dog: a way of life

Пещерная собака относится к стайным животным.All her life she spends in the group. At night, dogs sleep in burrows, and in the morning or in the evening they hunt. A flight is managed by an alpha male. In a predatory family, members recognize each other by smell. If you have to disperse more often than forests, they echo, issuing howl.

shrubby dog ​​spread
Their territory is small, but bold anddecisive predators are marked with odorous marks. In the face of danger, a shrubby dog ​​growls and rocks. She bravely defends her territory, flings herself at the enemy in an attack, trying to immediately grab her throat.

Feed on these brave souls mostly smallrodents. Favorite food - guinea pigs, agouti, packs. If dogs hunt in a pack, they are able to cope with capybara, nandu and even with a young deer. In addition to food of animal origin, they gladly take pleasure in the fruits of plants that are found on the ground.

Although these cave predators do not like being in thethe focus of attention, constantly hiding from people, it is still possible to tame them. The locals even got used to using small toothy animals in the hunt. In zoos they take root badly, do not like closed space. However, like any other freedom-loving creature.


Twice a year the female of the shrubby dog ​​is readyto fertilization. The fever lasts about 13-15 days. About the fact that she began a mating season, the female notifies the males with marks with a specific smell. Usually, it sprinkles trees on its territory with urine.

bush dog interesting facts

Caveman hatching about 63-66 cubsdays. The main litter is born in the autumn. Before giving birth, the future mother digs a burrow for herself and her offspring. In one litter there are from 4 to 6 kids. They feed on milk for six months, but after four months they start eating food, which the male brewed. It is interesting that puppies are guarded and guarded not only by father and mother. Other members of the pack also take part in this.

Kids live with their parents for a year and a half, then leave them, but not in all cases. Sometimes the younger generation remains in the family for a long time, that's why there are cubs of different age in the pack of dogs.

Shrubby dog: interesting facts

The more animals are hidden, the more we areI want to know about them. Shrub dogs are rather peculiar animals, they know a lot of interesting things. They are excellent swimmers, they show themselves as skilful divers.

Communicating among themselves, use a wide range of sounds: barking, howling, whining.

Representatives of this species, which are contained in the Lincoln Zoo, successfully practice their hunting skills in rats, mice and even pigeons.

Shrubby dog ​​has an old English name, which sounds like a "hunting cave jackal".

Being excellent swimmers, during the hunt, dogs are driven into the water, where they are waited by other members of the pack. Thus, it is easier for them to kill the victim.

Shrubby dogs never quarrel during distribution of prey and willingly share it with each other.

bush dog photo
In nature, there are many interesting and unusualLiving creatures. The shrubby dog ​​evoked a general interest in what was considered extinct. It's good, after all, that the scientists were mistaken, and these quick animals live on our planet.

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