/ / Stone warm for the furnace: description, characteristics, manufacturer and types

Stone is warm for the furnace: description, characteristics, manufacturer and types

Natural material will always be held in high esteem.One of the interesting species is a warm stone. This facing product has several undeniable advantages. But the main one is the preservation of environmental friendliness under the influence of high temperatures. This property allows you to use it as a lining of floors, fireplaces, stoves.

Warm stone

This type of material is called talcomagnesite.In its composition the main components are, as the name implies, talc and magnesite. It also contains a small percentage of chlorites. The smaller their content, the stronger is considered a stone.

Talcomagnesite is differently called: potted, soapy, warm stone.

warm stone

Natural color can be from light todark gray. When grinding appears pattern, like marble. This environmentally friendly material originated from volcanic activity. The process of formation of the rock occurred more than one million years.

Sometimes a warm stone is called soap powder.With visual similarity, these two materials are distinguished by strength data. For talcomagnesite, a chlorite content of no more than 8% is typical, and for talc chlorite, this figure can reach 35%. The greater the percentage of specified raw materials in stone, the less durable it becomes.

Deposits, manufacturers

В России встречается талькомагнезит и Talkohlorit. If the stone is mined in Karelia, then you should know that the development of the rock is done with the help of blasting, which does not improve its properties, but, on the contrary, provokes the appearance of microcracks. Therefore, the material from these mines is not of high quality. But there are other domestic deposits in which mining is carried out by sawing. One of the most famous Russian manufacturers is the company "Warm Stone". It has been on the market for more than 10 years. It has a wide range of fireplaces and stoves from talc-magnesite and talkohlorite.

Talcomagnesite is also mined in Finland.It was from there that the use of warm stone for the manufacture of stoves and fireplaces came. There are a few places in the world where these rocks congregate. Most of the deposits are located in Eastern Finland.

warm stone oven

In the Russian market there are three manufacturers of this country - Tulikivi, Nunnauuni and Vuoleri. They produce products of excellent quality.

Essentially, product selection requirescarefully read the certificates and technology performance. And not so important, domestic or Finnish product purchased. The main thing is the quality of the material itself.

Talco-magnesite characteristics

The warm stone has a number of positive properties, such as:

  • Environmental friendliness. Does not emit any harmful vapors by thermal exposure.
  • Maintains temperature to 1600 ° C. This allows it to be used for cladding fireplaces, stoves, arrangement of fireboxes.
  • Long-term heat retention.The greater the percentage of magnesite in the rock, the longer it will remain warm. Unlike metal, the warm stone of the furnace will heat up for a long time. But then it cools down several times longer. For example, if talc-magnesite is immersed in warm water for 10 minutes, it will become cold only in an hour.
  • Strength. Magnesite is responsible for this property to a large extent. The higher the percentage, the stronger the breed.
  • Beautiful appearance. After grinding acquires a natural pattern, similar to marble.
  • Does not absorb water. Facing from such material is used for finishing of saunas, pools.
  • Anti-slip effect. Even wet talc-magnesite does not slip.
  • Medicinal properties. The heat waves of the stone coincide with the waves of man. Therefore, even our ancestors used this material for medicinal purposes. It promotes immunity.
  • Durability. In contrast to a fire brick, a warm stone has a stronger structure and can withstand even a sharp temperature drop.

As can be seen, the potted stone has a numberadvantages, and what about the disadvantages? This is the quality of the material. On the market, next to a first-class breed, are fakes and talcochlorite. Therefore, before buying, you should request a quality certificate to make sure that you do not purchase a fake.

Stoves and fireplaces of warm stone

As mentioned earlier, talcomagnesite hasheat-resistant properties, and also able to accumulate heat. Therefore, furnaces and fireplaces made of it are more popular. Warm stone can be used as a lining, and for the device of the furnace.

fireplaces warm stone

For the second, it is not recommended to use soap powder.

Talccomagnesite is used for firebox in the form ofbars. Laid out the inner contour. Mortar is made from liquid glass and chlorate of crumbs. It allows you to withstand high temperatures, providing a special strength of the masonry.

It is often found in the form of facing fireplacesand stoves warm stone. The tile of such a plan retains all the advantages of talcomagnesite. And therefore, fireplaces and stoves, finished with this material, will accumulate heat and warm the room with their health radiation.

Floor coverings

Heated floor is no longer a rarity in home improvement,apartments It is used as a source of additional heating. Electrical or infrared devices are often used, which is fraught with increased power consumption.

Warm stone for the floor - the most suitable type of lining when building electrical coatings, given its accumulating properties.

warm stone tiles

This will significantly save costs onheating. Moreover, such a floor covering does not absorb water, which increases the level of fire safety for electric floors. It has a pleasant to the touch surface.

Warm stone - design element

Having a unique noble texture,talcomagnesite is used not only for arranging floors, stoves, fireplaces, but also as an element of decor for verandahs, stairs, and individual rooms. This material has durability, resistance to chemicals. In the heat it can keep cool, and in the cold, when using fireplaces and stoves, it keeps heat for a long time.

This stone is used in artistic cutting, making wonderful decorative elements.

Talkomagnezit or talcochlorite?

Very often, these two names of different breeds are perceived as one and the same material. In fact, they differ in their characteristics and price.

warm stone for the floor

Talkohlorit cheaper by 20-30%.But the strength and refractory qualities of it are lower than that of talco-magnesite. It can be used for flooring, as an element of decor, even as a lining. But talc-magnesite can be used for masonry of the furnace, lining wet rooms, stoves, fireplaces. This material is a quality survivor.


The main battles were aboutmanufacturer and quality talcomagnesite, soapstone. Many say that domestic companies sell low quality warm stone. Reviews are based on numerous marketing "chips" from a foreign manufacturer. Finnish warm stone, according to users, is distinguished by durability and quality, but the price, respectively, is much higher.

According to the production technology that Finnish, that Russian stoves and fireplaces can be in different versions.

warm stone reviews

Warm stone is a unique natural material.When buying, you should carefully consider the certificates and customer reviews. The cost of the original is always higher than a fake. Buying a real talc-magnesite, you get an additional source of health.

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