/ / Why are my boys only born? Is this an accident or pattern?

Why do I only have boys? Is this an accident or pattern?

Почему у меня рождаются только мальчики?This question will be asked by any woman in whose family a third small “man” has appeared. What specific factors affect the sex of the child? Are there any methods to control the future sex of the baby? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do some men only have boys?

Who exactly of the partners affects the gender of the futurechild - it remains a mystery to scientists. At first glance, everything seems obvious: the sex is determined by the man, since his spermatozoon can contain one of two chromosomes - X or Y. At the same time, the female egg cell is “deprived” and boasts the presence of only X chromosome. Accordingly, the sex depends on which male sperm cell will "survive" and achieve its goal.

why only boys are born
At the same time, scientists conducted a number of additionalresearch, identifying patterns in mothers with many children, who have only girls, and mothers, in which all future men are born. First of all, these patterns are related to the physical indicators of the woman’s body. Therefore, the question "Why do I only give birth to boys?" There can be no definite answer. Perhaps it is the man and the "vitality" of a certain type of sperm. Or maybe the female body chooses which spermatozoon he should “take” and which “prodinamit”.

Is it possible to influence the sex of the child?

Along with the question "Why are families bornonly boys? ”many parents think about whether they can affect the future sex of the child. The desire to keep everything under control in this respect is not a new trend of fashion: it has existed since ancient times. And here men played a big role: basically they raised a stir around the sex of their offspring, since everyone wanted to have a “heir” without fail.

why are only boys born in the family
Medical scientists tried to push aside everythingprejudice and conduct independent surveillance. Its purpose is to identify patterns that can theoretically affect the sex of a baby. Here is what they found out:

  1. For most couples, the firstborn is a boy. But with each subsequent pregnancy it becomes more difficult to give birth to a small “man”.
  2. The older the parents, the less chance they have of seeing their child as a boy.
  3. In men with gout, girls are predominantly born, and in bald men, boys are born.
  4. If a woman became pregnant some time after an abortion, then most likely a girl will be born.

These are just observations and assumptions. It is impossible to consider them as immutable rules, which is shown by the experience of many married couples.

How does the environment affect the health of men and the sex of their child?

If you try to seriously explain whysome men in the family one after another girls are born or one after another boys, doctors are likely to “write off” such a situation to adverse conditions or health problems.

why more boys are born
So why are some boys only born? How do doctors explain this?

Assumptions are made that Y chromosomes(providing the male sex of the child) are less stable, therefore, their destruction is promoted by harmful working conditions, constant stresses that weaken the male body. This also includes such factors as the use of alcohol, nicotine or aggressive drugs. Again, you need to consider the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

Однако и это объяснение не вполне подтверждено scientifically. If you follow this logic unquestioningly, then men in general would have become extinct long ago: where nowadays without stress and at least one bad habit? Only girls would be born!

When do you need to make love for a girl to be born?

When a woman asks the question "Why do I only give birth to boys?", She should remember when her children were conceived. Well, at least approximately.

why women only boys are born
It has been scientifically established that sperm carriersY-chromosomes are very light and mobile. But at the same time they are characterized by weak stability. Therefore, such a sperm cell is unlikely to fertilize an egg if it is not in the stage of ovulation.

But more survivable X-sperm can be longtime after entering the female body to “expect” its “star” hour. As a result, in such a struggle, the X-spermatozoid will undoubtedly win, providing the female sex of the unborn child.

Поэтому когда пара планирует детей и очень хочет, for example, a boy, you need to make love during ovulation. If there is a desire to give birth to a girl, then the conception should be made immediately after the menstruation.

Food and sex of the child

Do not lose popularity this way of planningbaby like dieting. Why do men only have boys? Dietitians have an answer to this question: simply the wife of such a man follows a sodium-potassium diet!

why some boys only are born
«Диетический» эксперимент было проведен некими Jacques Laurent and Joseph Stolkowski. Nutritionists say that 2-3 months before conception, a certain number of couples were transferred to food "for boys" and "for girls." Positive results were observed in 80% of cases.

Of course, diet alone will not solve the gender issue.child, but in the fight for his dream all means are good. So if you dream about a boy, lean your whole family on potatoes, meat, lentils, bananas and oranges more often. Couples who follow a sodium-magnesium diet and eat large quantities of beets, carrots, eggplants, and onions are more likely to become parents of the girl.

Danger in diets

Diets - an unpredictable thing.Therefore, it is generally not recommended for expectant mothers to experiment in this area. For example, it is well known that restrictions on food and all sorts of "exotic" food methods cause spontaneous miscarriages.

why men only boys are born

Even if conception happened, but mom continuesto limit oneself in some products, then the fetus may have health problems in the future. It is especially important to have a balanced diet in the early stages of pregnancy when the internal organs of the baby are formed. Therefore, sodium-potassium, sodium-magnesium diets - this may, and effectively, but in all you need to know when to stop.

Why do women only have boys? Some good reasons

Однако на этом дебаты по поводу возможности control the sex of the child does not end. Some families try to conceive a child immediately after menstruation, but they still have a “boyfriend”, although they planned a girl.

“Why do I only have boys?”“- laments the young mother, who among the army of little karapuz wants to have a future assistant - a girl. Now is the time to recall some more studies conducted by Western scientists.

  1. It was noticed that in asthenic girls with a weight of less than 54 kg girls are born with an enviable regularity. The ladies "in the body" - the boys.
  2. In the animal environment, it was noticed that the femalesendured by hunger or any other severe stress, give birth to female young. Strong and well-fed animals, on the contrary, “prefer” to bear boys. There is no reason to argue that this principle does not work for people who are also to some extent considered to be “animals.”
  3. On the floor of the future baby also affects the intensitysexual relations. If, within three months before conception, an intimate life is more than regular and saturated with bright emotions, then a boy is born. It was also noticed that men who are too “laid out” in the gym or on a treadmill (we are talking about distances of more than 8 km), more often become the fathers of girls. This is understandable, because not everyone can “kill” their potential in the sport, and then at night arrange “fireworks” in bed.


In planning the floor, the baby has not done without signs.

Why are boys alone born? A sign says: if you conceive a child in the fall, you will receive a boy in nine months, in the spring - a girl.

Also, even before the ultrasound, the sex of the child is attempted to be determined by the shape of the abdomen: “rounded” means a girl; "Extended" means a boy.

If, during pregnancy, the expectant mother cannot even look at the meat - there will be a boy, if a woman terribly wants salty, there will be a girl.

Well, in general, "joking" omen, which does not pretend to authenticity: in families where the wife worships her husband, girls are born, and couples, in which everything is the opposite - boys.

why do some men only have boys

Should I strictly follow the principles outlined above?

Anyway, many of the child's planning methods described revolve around the exact ovulation date. That is why they do not justify themselves.

Anyone, even the healthiest womanThe menstrual cycle can change under the influence of various reasons: stress, climate change, change of diet, etc. Therefore, to determine the exact date of ovulation is problematic.

There are, of course, methods that are not based onmaintaining an accurate calendar, and measuring, say, basal temperature or determining the properties of mucus. But this approach is too "troublesome", and does not guarantee an accurate result. As a result, the slightest mistake for 1-2 days will give the girl to the couple that was set up to have a son. And all sorts of signs and diet - generally unreliable way.

Чтобы оградить себя от разочарований, лучше не to puzzle over why more boys or girls are born, and just rejoice at every child born. In the end, it is the wives of the princes of blood who need to by all means give birth to an heir to the throne. You're not a princess, are you? So, you can just relax and love both newborn girls and boys equally.

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