/ / What are the features of the functioning of various economic systems: the social aspect

What are the features of the functioning of different economic systems: the social aspect

Let's look at the features of the functioning of various economic systems, which of them are the most attractive and for whom.

general information

in what features of functioning of various economic systems
Speaking about the features of functioningdifferent economic systems, it should be noted that this gives us interest not only from the cognitive point of view, but also from the practical side. After all, if we know the possibilities of influencing the policy and decisions, we can influence the adoption of favorable provisions. It is also interesting from the point of development of economic systems. Initially, it is necessary to distinguish their types:

  1. Market economy.
  2. Command-administrative system.
  3. The mixed economy.

Of course, this is not a complete list.There is also a traditional economy that can be observed in individual African or American tribes, but because it is obsolete, we will not consider it. There are also a number of opportunities for organizing economic life, but because of the inefficiency of methods they are also not used. Therefore, we do not consider them.

Market system

functioning of socio-economic systems
It implies the existence of free competition andthe greatest importance of individual and private ownership in the production of services and goods that meet the needs of society. In this system it is provided that the behavior of people is motivated by their personal interests. During the relationship between the various actors, the egoistic inclinations of the participants take precedence. Therefore, the effective functioning of the economic system by many theorists is questioned. It is worth noting that this type of economic relations does not occur. All those systems that are said to be marketable are in fact of a mixed type. This state of affairs is due to the considerable social orientation of modern states. But after all, we are considering the specifics of the functioning of various economic systems, so let's pay attention to other possibilities of the organization.

Command-administrative (planned) system

effective functioning of the economic system
Is the complete opposite of the marketeconomy. In this case, it is stipulated that the means of production have public property. All material resources belong to the state. Management is based on collective decisions. Coordinating state structures play an important role in building a balanced economy. Individual enterprises in their economic activities are guided by the directives received. If it is necessary to ensure the provision of a resource or material, they notify the relevant authorities and they are already searching for the necessary ones.

Planning directives provide for the existence ofthe necessary amount of labor, material and monetary resources, which will be allocated for the fulfillment of the necessary task. Also, the ratio of means of production and consumption is established centrally. For the stability of society, a pricing policy is used. Revenues are established more or less averaged. Economic policy is built on the basis of long-term priorities, which stem from established ideological doctrines.

Mixed system

state economic system
So, we finish talking about whatFeatures of the functioning of various economic systems, and we stop at the most common. The mixed economy is something between the two options considered earlier. Each country itself determines how much to take and how to implement. Therefore, the mixed economy of each state has its own unique features.

It should be noted that the range of variations canbe very significant. Thus, a state economic system of this type can imply both the presence of strict government control and simple rendering of feasible assistance to achieve economic stability or the redistribution of income. Thanks to the universality and the ability to adapt to any conditions, this can now be observed in all countries.


Here we also considered the functioning ofsocio-economic systems. The topic, it should be noted, is very interesting, going beyond the scope of this article. Turning to the readers, we can say that more detailed acquaintance with it will only benefit. In addition, given the unhealthy state of our domestic economy, it is possible that someone will come up with the idea how to successfully exit the current state of affairs. After all, in order to solve the problem, you must have a certain set of knowledge that will allow you to understand it. And for this you need to learn. And, given the realities of the modern world, we can say that you will need a very large amount of knowledge.

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