/ / Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: biography and facts

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: biography and facts

Саиф аль-Ислам Каддафи является вторым сыном Muammar Gaddafi. The boy from childhood showed a craving for knowledge and discovering new boundaries for himself, which later influenced his choice in life. Now the man is known to us as a politician, Libyan engineer and doctor of philosophy. Being in the shadow of his father, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi sought to gain recognition not only in the family, but also among the people around him.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi (born in 1972)is the leader and peacemaker in the hearts of many citizens of Libya. In the period from 1997 to 2011, the politician directed the International Fund for Cooperation in the field of philanthropy. However, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi received most of the popularity and recognition of the population after carrying out the negotiating missions. Around the beginning of 2000, the man actively defended the rights to reform the social and political system of Libya. But with the advent of 2011, the second son of the Libyan leader sided with his father and supported his regime during the civil war. How to evaluate the actions of this leader, you decide. Some consider him a positive character in the history of Libya, others - on the contrary.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: biography

The future politician was born in 1972in Tripoli. In the family of Muammar Gaddafi, the leader of Libya, there were seven sons and two daughters, one of whom died tragically in the period of sudden bombings from America. Despite the external strict look and power impulses, the father was very fond of his children and strongly supported their endeavors. The future politician spent his school years in elite institutions in Switzerland and Libya. After graduation, the guy submitted documents to one of the most prestigious universities in Libya - Al Fateh. According to various sources, the future politician received a bachelor's degree in architecture and engineering from 1993 to 1995. At the moment, the exact date of graduation from the University of the public is unknown.

Saif Al Islam Gaddafi

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi: years of life dedicated to social activities

After a while the guy became activeto get involved in politics and already in 1997 the International Fund for Cooperation in the field of philanthropy has been established. Up to this point, the man was in charge of the architectural design of a huge complex of buildings. It is worth noting that this high place he received thanks to the influence of his father.

saif al Islam Qaddafi Years of Life

As the journalists know, the political leader is notwas married and, according to known data, has no children. Also in the press were interesting facts about the hobbies of the Libyan politician. As it turned out, a man very much loves riding, hunting and fishing.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, photo of which can besee in the article, all his life he tried to preserve the established social order, settled various international disputes, and also actively participated in political missions for negotiations with the goal of freeing hostages.

saif al Islam Qaddafi Photo

International Charity Fund

This fund, organized by the son of Gaddafi,sought to establish relationships between different layers of society. In other words, the leader wanted to provide every resident of Libya with blood and food. Also, the International Fund actively cooperated with the Libyan National Society for Combating Narcotic Drugs. According to official figures, the position of the head of this society belonged to Saif al-Islam.

Peacekeeping goals and negotiations

A few years later, the future politician beginsnegotiations with the Philippine insurgents, urging them to cease their terrorist activities and reach a peaceful agreement between the parties. Also, the politician took part in negotiations on the release of Western hostages. And in the autumn of 2001, after successful negotiations with the Afghan leaders, he seeks the release of the hostages.

saif al Islam Qaddafi biography

Study in London

The public was aware that since 2002The Libyan leader began his studies at the London School of Economics. In this institution the son of Muammar Gaddafi was educated in the sphere of international settlement. His impulse to new knowledge, he explained the desire of his father to see his son as a professor at a prestigious university. In 2003, the man graduated from the Master's degree course and continued his studies to obtain a doctorate. Some publications believed that a man is preparing to become his father's successor.

The death of his father and liberation of Libya

The summer of 2011 was a tragic period forthe Gaddafi family. In the course of the operation, the Libyan rebels Muammar Gaddafi was killed, and his son was taken prisoner. The following days, the leader of the charitable foundation was detained in a Libyan prison and awaited his sentence. The politician did not believe that the Libyan court would be unprincipled and pass a fair verdict. That is why the man insisted on considering his case in the ICC.

saif al-Islam Qaddafi's year of birth

In 2015 in the press there were statements aboutRapid execution of the political figure Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. However, after some time, the ICC prosecutor told the public that the Libyan authorities refused to hand over the case to Gaddafi's son and subjected him to torturing and torturing him. The prosecutor also noted in her statement that the ICC will seek to justify the political figure of Libya and the abolition of his execution.

Knowing the facts from the life of the political figure of Libya, the second son of Muammar Gaddafi, you yourself can make your negative or positive opinion about his personality and social activities.

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