/ / Karina Dobrotvorskaya: biography, personal life and career

Karina Dobrotvorskaya: biography, personal life and career

Envy is a bad quality that can eat away.its owner from the inside. Here you can only envy others' success in different ways. In addition, the emerging envy can always turn into a great motivation to achieve its success. Karina Dobrotvorskaya is just such a person who causes jealousy and at the same time makes you think about the prospects for the development of your own career and personality. What is special about her? Who is she - this proud and successful woman?

Karina Dobvotvorskaya

Brief history from childhood

Karina was born in a family of engineers on September 251966 in Leningrad. Her environment valued sincerity, dedication, naturalness and good manners. That is why the parents of the baby did everything to ensure that their daughter received a proper education, learned politeness, punctuality and became a real aristocratic girl. They additionally hired teachers who taught ethics and aesthetics, taught the art of keeping themselves in society, etc.

Where did the young Karina study?

Immediately after school, Karina Dobrotvorskaya fileddocuments and easily entered the Academy of Theatrical Arts in the city on the Neva. There at the theater faculty she got acquainted with academic science, studied the history of Western European theater and got a general idea about all creative professions (actor, director, scriptwriter).

After completing her studies at the academy, Karina entered the postgraduate course at the Department of Art History, LGITMiK, and later defended her PhD work in art history.

Karina the Book of Goodwill

Karina's teaching activities

Her first job Karina Dobrotvorskaya receivedin LGITMiK, where she had previously been trained. Here she was offered a small position as a teacher of the history of the Western European theater. According to the heroine, she found such a very flattering proposal, and she, without hesitation, agreed.

Work and the beginning of a career in the editorial

After some time, a girl with an unusuallydeveloped leadership qualities were noticed in the editorial office of the printed publication Kommersant-daily. It was there that our heroine first began working as a journalist and correspondent. Here she wrote and published a lot of interesting articles on film and theater.

Seeing the prospects of a talented author, the editors of another newspaper called “Russian Telegraph” literally lured away the girl, promising her the post of observer and editor of the publication.

Sergey Dobvorvsky and Karina

Still later, Dobrotvorskaya Karina Anatolievna wasinvited to the place of deputy first editor in the then popular Russian film industry publication Premiere. In early 1998, she again changed her job and took the position of deputy chief editor of the Russian version of the glossy magazine Vogue.

In mid-2002, Karina again advanced oncareer and occupied the vacant post of chief editor of the Russian office of Architectural Digest. In early 2005, Dobrotvorskaya moved to the publishing house Condé Nast, where they promised to take the place of the editorial director of the publishing house. Three years later, Karina Anatolyevna was promoted to the post of president of the same organization. At the moment she owns the main stake in the Russian representative office of Condé Nast.

In what editions did Karina publish her materials?

During the career gaining momentum KarinaDobrotvorskaya wrote and published over 300 materials relating to her two favorite themes - theater and cinema. Among the publishers and publications where the author's works were appreciated, the following journals can be distinguished:

  • "Session";
  • "The Art of Cinema";
  • Moscow Observer;
  • Petersburg Theater Journal;
  • "Om."

The materials of the journalist were also noted in several collections of LGITMiK and editions of Kommersant-daily, Russian Telegraph and Literary Gazette.

Dobrotvorskaya Books

In addition to our journalistic activities, ourthe heroine was engaged in literary creativity. So, she wrote and published two books at once: “Blockade girls” and “Has anyone seen my girl?” 100 letters to Sergei.

Dobrotvorskaya Karina Anatolyevna

In the first work, the author raisedthe burning topic of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad, and in the second described her romantic relationship with her first, recently deceased husband. Here she is - a comprehensively developed, sincere and unpredictable Karina Dobvotvorskaya. The first and second book tells about human values, love, friendship, betrayal and hatred. Unexpectedly for the author himself, both works have become true bestsellers.

Summary of the book “Has anyone seen my girl? 100 letters to Seryozha

This book has become for Karina originalconfession, as it allowed to describe in literary language all those experiences that the heroine experienced while communicating with her former spouse. The title of the work does not accidentally mention letters, because the whole autobiographical novel is a kind of collection of love letters and notes addressed to the author's now deceased husband.

dovorotvorskaya Karina biography personal life career

Relations of Sergey and Karina in reality

Sergey Dobrotvorsky and Karina are the main charactersthe books, according to their mutual acquaintances, were the most beautiful couple in the bohemian Petersburg of the 1990s. He was a famous screenwriter, film critic and intellectual, and she just loved him.

И казалось бы, все у них было идеальным:love, mutual respect, common interests, glory - but their relationship was never destined to grow into something long. For some reason, about which, by the way, the author tells in his book, they split up. As a result, Karina was forced to literally run away from her beloved spouse to a completely different city. Sergey stayed in Petersburg and died a month later.

In her book, Karina does not just describe herexperiences. She gives answers to troubling questions and says that she did not have time to finish it with her beloved during her life. According to critics, the novel exceeded all expectations. He was an unexpected revelation of the iron businesswoman with whom Dobrotvorskaya Karina was so often associated. The biography, personal life, career of this strong woman are described in our article.

Karina's personal life today

Currently, Karina is married to Alexey.Tarkhanov and brings up two children: a daughter, Sophia and a son, Ivan. She is still interested in cinema, loves her work, enjoys painting and appreciates true friendship. A successful woman has many fans, helpers and reliable partners.

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