/ / Reserve "Big Kokshaga" - the world of nature reserve

Reserve "Big Kokshaga" - the world of nature reserve

The huge green and cozy areas of the reserve, accessible and open to the entire living world, protect it with its warmth and hospitality.

The world of nature conservation - the reserve "Big Kokshaga"

From above, the territory of the “Big Kokshagi” looks likeendless green carpet, twisted river bends (like pure blue threads), interspersed with sparkling lakes. Here, thick, vast wooded areas alternate with marshes and flowering meadows.

Reserve Big Kokshaga
The crowns of curly pines are replaced by dark green spruces and delicate slender birches. This land has another beautiful name - Forest Trans-Volga.

History of creation, geographical features

Yoshkar Ola
In 1993, on the river.Volga (left tributary) was established state natural reserve "Big Kokshaga", an area of ​​21.4 thousand hectares. It is located 40 kilometers west of the capital Mari El (Yoshkar-Ola) in Kilemarsky and Medvedevsky districts. Prior to that, Mari El was the Mari State Reserve. However, it completely burned out in 1972 in a hot, dry summer.
State Nature Reserve Big Kokshaga
The main goal of creating a protected area is to protect forests on the border between southern taiga and deciduous forests.

The territory itself is represented by plains (river and lake-glacial). The highest point of the area is 132.2 m above sea level.

There are about 20 rivers and streams in total here with the river Big Kokshagy.

The world of nature reserve - Big Kokshaga reserve
In the conservation area there are 3 lakes - Kosheer,Capsino and Shushière. The last is the biggest. The shape of it is an oval mirror, its length is 1250 m, width is 600 meters. The lake is very deep (15 m), karst origin. It is filled with river waters during the period of spring floods.

Climatic conditions are moderately continental, with fairly moderately hot summers and in winters with severe frosts.

Bolshaya Kokshaga River, forests

Big Kokshaga - the largest of the rivers of the republic, which is the left tributary of the river. Volga. It crosses the territory of the reserve in its most central part.

The river, whose name was given and the reserve, is its main waterway.
On the amazing emerald color of the water background, on its banks rise majestic oaks - the beauty and pride of the reserve.

The unique floodplain oak forests are a sustainable community. Here you can find both old, one can say ancient, oaks, and young shoots.

The reserve "Big Kokshaga" is mainlyof the forests occupying its vast area - 95% of the entire territory. Pine forests that grow in nature in various environmental conditions are predominant. The second in terms of volume are birch forests. They once arose at the places of forests cut down or burned down in fires, that is, they are secondary.

Spruce forests add the real look of taiga to these places, occupying 7.5% of the reserve's territory and having a considerable admixture of deciduous trees (aspen, birch and linden).

They are mainly located in the river valleys in the northern part of the reserve.

Variety of flora and fauna

The Bolshaya Kokshaga Nature Reserve contains more than 700 plant species in its forests, meadows and marshes, which represents about half of all those found in the Republic of Mari El.

In the spacious lowlands, swamps covered with birch and black alder are common. On insignificant areas of the floodplain are floodplain meadows.

Pine forest is replete with mosses and lichens.Also about 200 species of various algae have been found here, and about 250 species of lichens. The rarest are Tsetrariya Laurer, Lobarium lung and Usneya blooming.

Bolshaya Kokshaga - nature reserve
But there are a lot of common mushrooms around the reserve, and on the territory there are more rare types of them: Asinovik is white, Ezhevik is coral, etc.

Typically, the forest fauna of the reserve is represented by the following individuals: numerous elks, hares, squirrels, wild boars. Predators live here: pine marten, polecat, ermine, less often brown bear and wolf.

Birds are represented by wood-grouse, black grouse, common cranes, herons, eagle-owls, hawks and many more. etc. The Red Book birds also live here: peregrine falcon, black stork, osprey, and serpent eagle.

Black stork
Very rich in amazing gifts of nature.reserve "Big Kokshaga" protects and preserves the habitats of the rarest plant species. This is the Leafless Nosebone, the Baltic Fingerlet and more than 11 more species of amazingly beautiful northern orchids. The most famous view in the Republic is the beautiful Venerin slipper. From the moment of germination of the seed of this amazing plant to flowering, it takes up to 17 years!

Orchid Lady's Slipper

Rarest ancient plants

The cloudberry squat grows in the republic only onthe reserve. This plant has been growing since the Ice Age. It is known that it was the favorite berry of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin.

Another representative of the most ancient plants is the floating Chilim (or Water Nut), which inhabits the warm Lake Shushière.

"Big Kokshaga" - a nature reserve. It contains the oldest specimens of vegetation.

The rarest species of the reserve (woody) -Osokor (or Black Poplar), occurring in the flood plain of the Big Kokshaga River itself. Here are many other species of plants presented in the Red Book: Grazdarny partitioned, Kumanika, Plaun-baranets, Rosyanka dlinnolistaya (plant predator) and Carnation lush.

The reserve is valuable because nature in such places develops according to its own laws, without any human intervention. And this value grows over the years.

Thanks to the reserves through a certainthe period of time when the old forests will be practically cut down will be an opportunity to compare and analyze how much man and civilization have influenced the amazingly virgin nature, and how it could be without affecting it.

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