/ / How to choose a drill for a perforator

How to choose a drill for a perforator

The first electric puncher appeared in 1932year, and this despite the fact that his ancestor was created back in 1851. But that's not the point, just punchers have recently become a very common kind of tool. This is almost every family, because it is an indispensable assistant in any type of repair. But in order for it to be ready for work at any time, it is necessary to take care of the selection of components to it in advance. Now we'll talk about how to choose the right drill for a puncher.

Drills for perforator
В нынешнее время имеют распространение всего три type of such components. These are drill bits for SDS + and SDS Max, as well as a completely new and, therefore, not so popular SDS-top. Although in advance it is worth noting that the developers consider this drill to be optimal for making holes up to 25 mm. As for the first two options, they are mainly characterized by their fastener design and their maximum diameter. The fact is that SDS + - this is a drill for perforators, having a total weight of up to five kilograms. But SDS Max is designed for heavy tools.

Drill for perforator
By the way, if you want, you can find specialadapters and use SDS Max on light equipment, and SDS + - on the contrary, on a heavy. However, this can not lead to anything good. In the first case, the wear of the perforator will increase, and in the second case wear of the drill will increase. Both options are not so good.

If you choose a drill for a puncher, then in the firstturn should pay attention to its removal of sludge. At the moment, according to this criterion, the borax can be divided into three types: with a small angle of inclination, with a large angle of inclination and auger. The most optimal one is the last branch - the auger. The fact is that it is able to provide the fastest sludge removal, which is especially useful when drilling deep holes. But at the same time, you need to carefully monitor the use of deep grooving.

Now let us touch on the economic side of the question.The cheapest drill for a perforator will be if the Chinese or domestic company is listed as its producer. But, buying such products, you need to anticipate in advance its fragility. In addition, cheap Boers are not always manufactured in accordance with all norms. However, you can expect some exceptions. It is likely that such a drill will serve you for a single year. But these are exceptions, which should not be particularly hoped for.

Drills for perforators
Still, the best solution will be to use products from the second price category - these are boraxes from famous manufacturers "for the amateur". Their use is almost ideal at home.

However, there is also a third price category.These are professional drills. They will serve for a really long time, while their technical characteristics will be necessarily at the highest level. However, the purchase of such goods will have to allocate a significant portion of the funds.

Having taken note of the above information, it is already possible to go to the store with confidence and choose the most suitable drill for the perforator.

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