/ / Olga Migunova: biography of a psychic

Olga Migunova: biography of a psychic

Now it has become fashionable to show somepsychic abilities. There were even special programs where supermen fight with each other. And always in the total mass it is possible to single out those who were really touched by a higher power. For example, Olga Migunova. Someone will not say this name at all, and many people will remember Messing himself. Does this woman have strength? Should I believe her words? Information from the biography of Migunova will help answer this question.

Olga Migunova

Briefly about the main

It is known that Olga Migunova is a Russianpsychotherapist, hypnotist and healer. In addition, she is the Honored Artist of Russia. Olga Migunova was born and raised in the Far East, in the city of Blagoveshchensk. The key point in her biography was a visit to the speech of the famous Soviet hypnotist Wolf Messing. By the way, the ancestors of Migunova were also engaged in healing, and the psychic knew about it. He himself invited the girl to the stage and offered to work along with the training. Then the girl still bore the name of Voropayev, and for almost five years she and Messing traveled together around the country with the program “Psychological Experiences”.

Olga Petrovna Migunova


After marriage, the girl became Olga PetrovnaMigunova, received pop education and began to speak independently, as Messing died. Then she became close friends with Valentina Tolkunova and Joseph Kobzon. She became a doctor of medical sciences, a certified psychotherapist. Already in 1992, the Olga Migunova Cultural and Medical Center appeared, where group and individual consultations and hypnosis sessions were held. Migunova herself was called the "White Shaman".

reviews about olga migunova

Кстати, именно так назвали автобиографический series, filming which started in 2016. The project was directed by Alexander Ivankin, known for the TV series "Crossroads of Fate" and "Blade of a Razor".

About the center

Ольга Мигунова в своём центре предлагает помощь в carrying out psychological relief. In particular, it helps to activate the protective function of the body, relieve psychophysical stress, get rid of overwork, nervousness and obsessive fear. In addition, the center eliminates the effects of stress, conducts memory training, improves performance and adjusts to positive. We can say that the center is a real spa for the soul. Since 1992, the center has helped thousands of residents of Russia and the CIS countries. This is vividly shown by the analyzes of former patients and positive reviews about the methods of treatment. The president of the center is Migunova herself, who today has the title of doctor of medical sciences, professor and academician, as well as the president of the International Academy of hypnosis and eniomedicine. Her unique gift and achieved results are regularly approved by the specialists of the sphere.

Olga Migunova student messing

Artist or psychic?

Olga Migunova began her creative biography at16 years old, and in her 45 she has achieved absolute recognition. She turns her performances into a real enchanting spectacle, and therefore there are logical doubts that a woman has a gift from above. But after all, the great magician Wolf Messing, who for five years passed on to her the secrets of mastery, noticed the extraordinary abilities in Migunova. At the same time, he taught her to work with the public, and already further in the state concert tour group “Rosconcert” she honed her skills.

In 1970, Migunova was invited to work solo at home, in the Amur Region, and she traveled all over the country for 11 years, from Taimyr to Ratmanov Island.

Olga Migunova biography

Secret of success

Today Migunova is the onlywoman hypnotist on the stage. Olga Migunova - Messing's student, and the only one. Messing already in acquaintance made several prophecies, which came true with precision. In particular, Olga married a military man, divorced him and still remained with him. Even married without long courtship, as predicted by Wolf Messing. Together, the couple lived 42 years and went their separate ways. As a result, the family was saved, but the marriage broke up. On tour at Migunova everything happened. There were speeches on Damansky Island on the eve of an armed conflict with China. Then there were events in Czechoslovakia and concerts on the island of Ratmanov. Once at the plane where Olga flew, the door fell off! And then I had to take delivery right on the plane!

Messing's legacy

How did the influence of such a mentor ongirlfriend? Has Olga Migunova formed a psychic? The people are sure that the woman has a gift. Migunova left not only the metaphysical, but also the material legacy of Messing, for example, a crystal ball, a ring, books. Migunova believes that the teacher has surpassed only in medicine. But the woman does not like to predict, she vowed to do it after she saw with certainty the death of her mother. She urges people not to go to fortunetellers and not to try to find out their fate in advance. Psychic Migunova looks very good for his age. He believes that this is the merit of Messing; he taught her to enjoy life, not to walk across it. She has recovered more than once after serious blows of fate.

Мастерством гипноза Мигунова владеет в perfection, and the most difficult numbers devotes always to his teacher. Olga considers her talisman to be a kind of note that scientists have recently deciphered. In the note, Messing blessed the talented student on an independent path in the field.

Olga Migunova psychic

For work

And how does Olga Migunova work?Biography of the psychic replete with bright moments. She owns lightning hypnosis, which only infants and schizophrenics do not succumb to; able to carry out gypsy hypnosis based on tactile contact. At her sessions, people can get scared, really start to choke, if the illusion covers the head. Once Migunova was able to make a dumb girl talk. Her mother kissed psychic hands. Under the influence of hypnosis, psoriasis, eczema and stuttering are treated. Migunova pulled herself out after a severe stroke, saved Katyusha Gagarin, the granddaughter of a famous cosmonaut. Olga Migunova strongly advises to try self-hypnosis, which we often call self-hypnosis. Every morning you need to praise yourself, predict the coming day in the best colors and get up with a smile. The cosmos listens to us, and everything goes the way we want in this case.

What do patients say?

Reviews about Olga Migunova leave not onlyladies and gentlemen of age, but also people of the younger age group, because her help knows no bounds. Migunova works with diseases of the nervous system, skin and stomach diseases. She deals with problems in the field of gynecology, the genitourinary system. She is able to cure such a common problem of our time, which is vegetative-vascular dystonia. It also takes on sensitive topics, such as sexual dysfunction, alcohol or tobacco addiction. And of course, it helps in a situation where weight correction is required. Migunova's methods positively note not only psychic colleagues, but also representatives of modern medicine. In addition, the work Migunova marked by government awards, and she herself has hundreds of letters. Patients go to the reception to the miracle woman from all over Russia and not only. The center receives hundreds of letters of thanks and good wishes. People say that the sessions of the psychic feel the warmth and love for people. From Migunova comes a gentle, but intense flow of energy. She is touching and attentive to people, gives motivation to achieve the goal.

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