Что такое мировоззрение и как оно влияет на human activity? Philosophy responds to this question in this way: it is a system of views, beliefs, values, ideals that determine attitudes to the surrounding reality and people's activities. The carriers can be a separate person, professional or social groups. The surrounding reality affects the worldview
Not only philosophy, but also psychology explains,that such a worldview is a person's views on the world around him and the phenomena that occur in him, which are connected with the awareness of the person of his place in life. In psychology, too, individual and collective world-consciousness are distinguished. The second is the worldview of the clan, ethnic, social and other types of collective consciousness.
It is important not just to find out what a worldview is, but to know how its change can affect the life of each individual person. Here is an example, one might say,
Formation of views on the world in many respects depends onsurrounding people, literature, cinema and the media. Books that change the worldview exist, probably, since antiquity. Literature has always contributed to the development of the individual.
For the current generation of "Pepsi" special importanceacquires one more factor - these are films that change the worldview. Cinematography refers to a large layer of modern culture. Our young people live in an era of incredible freedom. But many freedom is confused with permissiveness, without realizing the essential difference between them. If we add to this the clichés that the films instill, and in most cases these are Hollywood films, then is it any wonder, at what speed does globalization take place?