/ / Chrysanthemum perennial garden - varieties and description

Chrysanthemum perennial garden - varieties and description

Chrysanthemums delight gardeners until late autumn.Many varieties are not afraid of light frosts and remain at this time of year one of the few flowers that have retained their charming appearance. Such is the chrysanthemum perennial garden, its varieties are very diverse. They differ in color, size of the bush, flower, and pubescence. The more reed petals that are located around the middle, the more magnificent the flower itself.

Chrysanthemum garden perennial varieties

The core of the plant consists of tubularpetals. The ratio of tubular and reed petals determines the flower terry. In this regard, perennial garden chrysanthemums are divided into several groups. Each includes certain varieties.

Chrysanthemum varieties

1. Non-chrysanthemum.They have flat flowers, an open middle. Around the tubular there is only one row of reed petals. According to the color structure, this group is very similar to chamomile. This species includes mostly early varieties. They breed well and winter-hardy. We can name such varieties of non-terry chrysanthemums as “chamomile”, “alenushka”, “evening lights”. This chrysanthemum garden perennial varieties "boyish-kibalchish."

Chrysanthemum garden perennial varieties

2. Semi-double chrysanthemums.This group also has flat flowers, but there are more reed petals — about 5 rows. Due to this, the middle has a more curvaceous shape. The varieties of this species are also early and are distinguished by good winter hardiness - they are “barbarian”, “pearl”, “sorceress”, “isabel”.

3. The next group - terry chrysanthemums.This group is also early and winter-hardy. The flower is very beautiful, voluminous and resembles a pompon. Such is the lush terry chrysanthemum garden perennial varieties "Aurora", as well as varieties "Everest", "Korean white".

4.Spherical chrysanthemums are not less elegant than terry. They resemble a ball. The core of the flower is not visible, as it is hidden by petals. The most famous representatives of this group are “umka”, “cheburashka”, “burly”.

High or small?

Chrysanthemum garden perennial photo

Every gardener can plant likedchrysanthemums, varieties and their description would be incomplete without a story about various bushes in height. In this regard, distinguish tall and stunted groups. The latter are good in the foreground of the alpine slides, as well as suitable for the design of borders. "Spheres" of tall varieties will be allocated with a bright accent among green plantings. Among them can be noted "yellow pionovidnuyu", which can reach 80 centimeters in height. An undersized “svemba kare” - a perennial garden chrysanthemum will not be higher than 30-40 centimeters. The photo clearly shows how effectively the plants look the same height, but in different shades. By planting flowers in this way, you can get lush, bright bouquets that are especially beautiful among green plantings and lawn.

If the summer resident wants to have such a uniquebeauty to the cold, it can plant Korean chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum garden perennial varieties "Korean" is characterized by long and abundant flowering. She will be pleased with a delicate smell and bright colors until late autumn.

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