/ / Irson Kudikova: personal life and biography

Irson Kudikova: personal life and biography

Irson Kudikova became known throughout the countrythanks to the project "Star Factory - 5". At present, it can be said that she is not only a singer and saxophonist, but also an actress, as well as a music producer. In a word, Irson Kudikova, whose personal life cannot be full of various events, is a very versatile and enthusiastic person.

Irson Kudikova personal life

Childhood, education

Irina's birthday (real name Irson) is September 17, 1982. The heroine of our story was born in Moscow, where she graduated from music school in violin.

In addition to music, the girl was fond of basketball.She even received the title of master in this sport. This is not surprising, because the height of Irson Kudikova is 182 centimeters. She became a graduate of the Olympic Reserve School.

Sport and music did not prevent the girl to get two higher education. She is a certified journalist. In addition, Irson graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Finance. The girl knows English well.

husband Irson Kudikova

Carier start

At 15, Irina sang a song with a populartime by singer Eugene Osin. She realized that the audience was admired for her performance. From that moment on, the girl began to dream of becoming a singer. She seriously began to practice vocal and saxophone.

On the "Star Factory"

This TV project in 2004 became a realThe turning point in which Irson Kudikova, whose personal life immediately interested many, became one of the brightest participants. The song that made her popular became the song Why.

During her participation in the project, Irson worked with such famous performers as Vladimir Presnyakov, Sergey Mazaev, Alla Pugacheva. On the participation of the Prima Donna in the life of a girl should be said separately.

children Irson Kudikova

Irson jazz show

When the project ended, Irson signed herfirst major contract. In the spring of 2007 a solo concert of the young singer Irson Jazz Show was held in Moscow, where the girl not only performed her songs, but also delighted the audience with a great saxophone playing. The program of the show, which was organized by the producer center of Igor Matvienko, was attended by stars of jazz music.

Irson Kudikova, whose biography cannot be complete without mentioning this fact, in 2009 met Snoop Dogg. This meeting gave the fans of their creativity composition Replay.

In 2010, she created the company Irson Production and began to independently pursue her own career.


By the recognition of the most Irson, Alla Borisovna becamea man whose meeting has drastically changed her fate. For a long time she was a mentor and artistic director of a young talented performer. It is known that the daughter of Irson is called Alla. Perhaps this name Kudikova chose in honor of the Primadonna, who helped her start a pop career and provided enormous support in everything.

At the same time, it is known that Alla was called grandmothersinger, which she lost before the project "Star Factory". With her, the future star had an extraordinary connection. Grandma was domineering, but she also had a great sense of humor.

Not long ago, Pugacheva and Irson stopped beingso close people. Alla Borisovna sued a young singer with a large sum of money. According to the Prima Donna, she regained the fact that she had lent a young singer to create a children's school, but it turned out that they had different views on the upbringing of children.

Irson Kudikova biography

World of hobbies

Irson Kudikova, whose personal life is interestingNow many, - very keen nature. She loves sports: she plays excellent tennis (master of sports in table tennis), jumps with a parachute, rides on water skis, loves equestrian sport. The girl is a professional motorcycle and car driver. In addition, Irson swims well, enjoys athletics, ballet and rhythmic gymnastics.

Business world

Studying the biography of the girl, do not stopwonder how much she managed to do in 30 years. Irson is not only a professional pop singer, saxophonist and athlete. Of course, she, in addition to all this, is a real beauty, but this is not about that. A young woman is very successful in the business world. So, she owns Golden Heart's own jewelry company.

In addition, Irson - the founder of the family clubFamily club, where the real speakers of English and French are engaged in foreign languages ​​with the kids. The presence of such a business suggests that she herself is also a mother, a mother of three wonderful children.

Personal life and family

Former husband of Irson Kudikova - Alexey Nusinov, withwhich, as the press wrote a lot about it, they split up in the fall of 2015. However, it was a happy union, because the singer's worldview changed completely when she met Alexey. The girl realized that it was from this man she would like to have children.

growth irson kudikova

As the singer admits, she never thought thatwill be a large mom, and after each birth, she said that now she will be engaged in a career. Although the work is completely Irson never quit. So, while she was “waiting for a miracle,” she managed to write great songs and shoot clips. The singer has repeatedly told the press that, in her opinion, a woman should be able to earn money herself, regardless of how well-off her husband is. The heroine of our story has always succeeded with brilliance.

Irson Kudikova, whose personal life for manyit is not fully known, it is connected now, mostly with children. She is a wonderful mother of two wonderful sons Alexander and Andrew, as well as Alla's charming daughter.

All children of Irson Kudikova appeared in differentcities: the oldest boy is in Moscow, the daughter is in Los Angeles, the youngest son was born in Cannes. All of them are very similar to each other and, undoubtedly, have common features with both parents.

Irson Kudikova is a strong independent person, a beautiful woman and a caring mother. All the hardships in her life - only a temporary stage before the new, even more ambitious takeoffs.

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