/ / Good carrot seeds: the opinion of truck farmers

Good carrot seeds: the opinion of truck farmers

When we choose to sow carrot seeds, thenfirst of all we are guided by the recognizability of the variety, the yield and we absolutely want the fruits to have excellent taste qualities. A few tens of thousands of different hybrid seeds have already been bred by breeders at this time. And if earlier all people sowed 2-3 known varieties in their beds, now the assortment of horticultural stores is simply amazing. Let's take an interest in the opinion of truck farmers and learn the best varieties of carrot seeds.

Good carrot seeds

What determines the quality of the crop?

Climatic features of each region of ourcountries are so unique that seeds adapted to one condition will be completely unsuitable in others. Experienced gardeners, truck farmers are well aware of the fact that for a qualitative harvest of carrots it is necessary to choose regional root crops for their locality.

We are insured from extreme summer

Sometimes you can not guess what kind of summer awaits us.If there is a long drought ahead, accompanied by excessively high temperatures, even the best carrot seeds will not yield the expected yield. If the summer is to be with prolonged rains and moderate temperatures, then carrots during maturation will partially give the cracked root crops. To insure against weather dislocations, truck farmers with experience necessarily sow both early and late varieties of carrots.

Carrot seeds are the best

Carrots: seeds. The best early varieties of carrots

Early in our country, early varieties are very popularNantes-4 and Nantes-14. Such carrots can be eaten only 2 months after the first shoots. It is juicy enough and has a high lezhkostyu. Recently, the early variety of carrots Rex is becoming popular - a conical short root crop with a high mass and excellent taste qualities. Despite the early maturation, it is kept well enough throughout the winter. If we take into account the varieties that can already be eaten directly from the bed during the summer, the Tushon root crops have the most delicate and juicy pulp.

What are good carrot seeds

Carrots: seeds. The best grades of medium-ripened carrots

Среднеспелые корнеплоды хороши как для поедания в raw form, and for long-term storage. Which of them should you prefer? What are the best varieties of carrot seeds among the mid-ripening? For example, the Incomparable variety has a characteristic red-orange shade. The taste is good carrot Vitamin. Small in size root crops are especially good for eating directly from the garden. If you consider the mid-mite hybrids, well-established in recent times, then in the rating of gardener predilections for sure will be mentioned the variety Losinoostrovskaya-13 due to high and stable yields. Every gardener will say that good carrot seeds are those that bring a rich harvest, regardless of the whims of the summer.

Seeds of carrots best grades

Carrots of late aging

Поздние сорта оранжевого корнеплода особенно Are good for processing and storage for the winter. The main ripening is in autumn, besides, such varieties are not afraid of autumn frosts. As a rule, late varieties have an impressive mass and are distinguished by large light orange root crops. Everyone wants to buy good carrot seeds and provide seven with a quality product throughout the winter.

Кому не знакома ситуация, когда приходится to sort out in winter the carrot reserves from rot or to find out on the root crops the growth of the tops. A very unpleasant moment is the flabbiness of the vegetables. Mistresses with great reluctance to clean old carrots, preparing soup. It is more pleasant to deal with juicy roots throughout the winter. Therefore, if we choose carrot seeds (the best varieties for long-term storage), then the Queen of Autumn becomes an excellent option. Sowing and growing a carrot of this popular variety, you do not know what the sprouts, rot and flabbiness of the saved crop. To all other, the Queen of Autumn has high taste qualities. Its large fruits are sweet and juicy, so you can crunch a carrot and during the winter.

The best varieties of carrot seeds

To universal varieties of late carrots, you canclassify Perfection. The root crop is delicious, juicy, medium in size, has a consistently high yield and is well preserved. Also, truckers liked the late sort of carrots, called Yellowstone, almost yellow, tasty, yielding, with impressive size and capable of growing in different regions of the country.

Carrots of hybrid varieties

It seems that breeders all over the world are workingwithout days off and holidays, creating more and more new hybrids, one more productive than the other. Some gardeners of the old school are wary of them, believing that they need more careful care and that such carrot seeds are more capricious and demanding. The best varieties nevertheless exist among hybrids. The F1 icon next to the variety name indicates that the seeds belong to hybrids. Good carrot seeds in this category are Laguna, Cascade, Anastasia.

Excellent taste

Many people first of all appreciate carrots fortaste qualities of juicy pulp, its sweetness and tenderness. In this matter, you can rely on the best world breeders and varieties brought to us from abroad. "What good carrot seeds!" - once exclaimed our grandmothers and gave a start in life in our beds such varieties as Carotel Paris, Shantene and Amsterdam.

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