/ / The full name of Seva - is Sevastian or Vsevolod?

The full name of Seva is Sevastian or Vsevolod?

In the personal names dictionary Petrovsky there is a wholea list of names from which the Seva is shortened. Among them are those that are very rarely used today. For example, Eusebius or Sevir. It is not often that you meet men who call themselves so. But there are those names that are still on the go.

full name of sowing

The most common option

The full name of Seva may not be soexotic. So you can cut and Vsevolod. A man with that name will have remarkable character traits. The Old Slavonic name is deciphered as "owning everything". He is very honest and decent. The name Vsevolod gives his owner royal patience, the ability not to pay attention to annoying little things and misunderstandings, to concentrate on the main thing in life.

Full name of Sev - Sevastyan

sowing full name
Sacred - so this name is translated from Greek.Seva, who was cut from Sevastyan, is a hardworking and thoughtful man. He lives like air, very wide and calm. But do not touch it. Air can turn into a powerful hurricane. The name Sevastian gives its owner perseverance and strength, the ability to penetrate deeply into the essence of things, to make informed and correct decisions.

Full name of Seva - Severyan

Stubborn to cruelty, purposeful, ableto get wish. This is Seva, whose full name is Severyan. This person is very reliable, but closed and unsociable. From Greek his name is translated as "son of a strict". Among negative character traits, ambition, envy are marked. Although such a Seva - reliable reliance on life, if you manage to arrange it to yourself.

So what is he - Seva

It is clear that the character traits of your acquaintance withThis name will be determined by what its full name is. Seva can be both Vsevolod and Severyan. There is a possibility that he will be called Evsevon, as Petrovsky points out. The main feature of Seva is reliability and loyalty. You can rely on him, whatever his full name.

name Sevastyan
Seva is a woman?

This is an even more rare variant of the development of events.But do not be surprised if you are told that you met Seva, and then it turns out that this is not a young man at all. In the same dictionary, there is a reference to the fact that such a reduction is possible from female names. For example, Sevastyan and Eusebius can turn into Seva, if we follow Petrovsky's conclusions. Now the Old Slavonic names began to become more and more common. Of course, it's still very difficult to meet a girl who was named Feosevia at birth, but Severina meets. It will also be referred to as Seva. It turns out that the name is not only male. I wonder what character traits it gives to its owners, regardless of gender? Does it affect the manifestation of a person not characteristic of the semi character traits?

How the name of Seva affects the character

Even the sound of the word already speaks of softness.The name of Seva is very gentle, affectionate, even fluffy. If you decrypt by letters, each of them bears the name of its own features, but all of them are concentrated around communication, contacts with people, spirituality. It turns out that a person who associates himself with this name, in addition to the will, adds to his character warmth and soulfulness. To him are people who are willing to communicate with him. Sev usually has a lot of friends.

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