/ The world of modern crime. Gopnik - who is this?

The world of modern crime. Gopnik - who is this?

Dark cool evening, two slowlywalk around the old park on the outskirts of the city. The atmosphere of love and harmony overflows them, when suddenly the uncomplicated phrase "Hey, little boy, call to eat?" Comes from around the corner. Then a crowd of guys dressed in old sports suits with bizarre caps on their heads comes out to meet them. The outcome of this meeting is not difficult to foresee - today the lover of love, most likely, will return home without his cell phone.

Gopnik is a petty criminal who isaway from the whole world. He parasitizes on the streets of the city, insulting and humiliating those who are weaker than him. And yet, how much is known about him? After all, even he must obey certain rules and laws. And what can you use in the war against the Gopnik?

Gopnik is

Gopnik: who are they?

So who are gopnik? Photos of these guys can be seen on the pages of many sites, but even more often they can be seen in the releases of criminal news. Which, of course, is not surprising.

In fact, Gopnik is a petty criminal wholeads a loose life. Such children rarely act alone, as a rule, they gather in small groups. Often you can meet them in quiet alleys and parks, since here it is rarely crowded. Seeing on the horizon a lonely traveler, they immediately begin to process it. To do this, use thieves' jargon, threats or brute force.

Where did the term "gopnik" come from?

There are many versions concerning the background of this concept. What is true is difficult to define, and besides, there is a high probability that there is a certain amount of truth in each of them.

Gopniki photo

So, three main versions of the origin of the term "Gopnik":

  1. The first one dates back to pre-revolutionarytime. Then there were the so-called state charity societies (GOS). Such organizations monitored the poor, unemployed and beggars who were in the territory of their province. All those who came under the supervision of the charity committee were called Gopnik in the common people.
  2. The second theory refers to the early 80's.At that time in the USSR, a global resettlement of people to megacities begins, as there were much more opportunities to earn here than in the countryside. The poorest settled in the state hostels of the proletariat, so it is not surprising that in these institutions often all sorts of extraordinary personalities lived. A little later, the residents of these hostels were called Gopnik, thus indicating the place of their residence.
  3. Another version is based on the thievish concept of "gop-stop," or theft. And so the guys who have been hoarding themselves for life only with robbery and extortion, have been called gopnik.

The rise of crime in the early 90's

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the fact thatthe judicial system has greatly weakened. Criminal authorities took advantage of this moment and picked up a large part of the authority. Throughout the country, lawlessness flourished, Gopnik realized this and began his wild hunt.

 against Gopnik

Gopnik, like predators, scoured the streetscities in search of new victims. Sometimes it was a random passer-by, sometimes the goal was determined in advance. After all, in those days, gopnik services were often used by local authorities, so as not to dirty their own hands. For example, they were often used to smash rival shops or to intimidate random witnesses.

But years went by, law enforcement agenciesbecame stronger and stronger. Therefore, thieves in the law began to conduct their business more deliberately, without raising excess dust. And the stupid internecine fight of the Gopnik was clearly not necessary to them. Therefore, they stopped using their services, let alone cover small pawns in the face of the law.

Modern gopnik: a photo in a cap again comes into fashion

Now the cult of Gopnik still exists,let and not on such a scale as before. Present small criminals, as before, "live in packs" and just lead a robber life. True, now they are quite easy to see even in the crowded crowd.

The modern Russian Gopnik is "clearpatsanchik ", who lives" according to the concepts. " But these concepts are very different from those to which normal people are used. Gopnik is often deprived of even elementary compassion, since he believes that in his actions there is nothing unnatural. In his mind, everything is quite simple: the strongest survive.

Another problem is that the imageGopnik is idealized by modern youth. Thanks to serials, for example, the same "Brigade", criminal life began to attract many children. Especially if their life was far from perfect.

Gopnik fight

Laws by which gopniks live

Let gopnik - this is the dregs of society, but even inthere are certain laws in the world. First of all, he obeys the zonov orders, and the gopnik has no right to transgress them. Otherwise, he may lose credibility in the eyes of his comrades.

That's why gopnik first of all tryintimidate your victim morally. For this they use colloquial tricks. "Who are you?" Or "What are you doing here?" Such questions are a kind of greeting, and if the person answers incorrectly, the Gopnik begins an active verbal assault. Everything follows a long-drawn-out scheme, through which the victim turns into a loha. And "according to the concepts," from the Loja and ask no sin.

Russian Gopnik

Who becomes gopnik?

Often such a way of life is led by those whowas born in a dysfunctional family. Deprived of parental warmth and affection, they from an early age observed how others enjoy life. This has hardened their heart and mind, moreover, they passionately want to get all that they were deprived of, and no matter what way.

Alcohol plays an important role.Gopnik from the early years of drinking beer, sometimes even vodka, because it is now easy to get liquor now. And what to expect from a person who starts drinking at 10-12 years old?

The final factor is a bad company. After all, if you live with wolves for a long time, then you start to howl like wolves.

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