Here it is! It is finished!You have become the proud owner of your own car. The first tentative steps on the path of the city driver were overcome, the starting line was passed, it was possible to get from the car dealership to the house. Here the lucky one can wait for the first, but far from the last unpleasant surprise - there is no place to put the car.
Fully entered and out of courtyards,cars standing on the sidewalks and curbs, closed approaches to shops and various institutions - all that terribly annoying a pedestrian who quickly and briskly overcomes all obstacles on his own, for the car owner - a nightmare and the real cause of daily stress. The usual parking can solve the problem. This is a specially equipped platform for personal or company cars. In practice, residents of large cities have only to dream of their own car and throw their swallow near the clock around the clock not far from their homes.
This question will torment the driver on the way hometo the destination every minute, and maybe even more often. Well, when the road leads to a shopping center, supermarket or to work in the office center. In the predominant majority of such institutions, the opportunity to put the car close to the building is a trump card and a way of self-promotion. Corporate parking is a kind of label of good organization. Not without reason in advertising brochures the presence of parking is always mentioned first. But not everyone has personal parking for employees and guests, and in the event of this parking place, it may not be available to the mere mortal, as it is intended for more privileged visitors.
So you have to circle around the citythe streets, squeeze the car between the expensive Lexus and the equally valuable BMW. If there is a place, there is no guarantee that parking is allowed there. You can take a chance and, returning with purchases from the store or with a receipt from the bank, find that the car took away a tow truck.
The best option for preservationown funds, car and nerves will become the search for a specially equipped parking. They are different, and recently there has been a good tendency to increase the number of such sites. On the parking can be different and the method of payment for services, and the time for which you can leave the car under supervision, as well as the principle of arrangement of parking spaces.
For the sleeping areas of major cities the mostThe ground parking became a typical example of parking lots - it is a perimeter-enclosed parking lot, which is guarded by a watchman and theoretically responsible for the car when you put it there.
Почему теоретически?Because in order to be sure of this, it is necessary to draw up an agreement specifying the terms of cooperation, the actions of the parking administration in the event of force majeure, the possibility of receiving compensation, etc.
More modern and high quality is consideredunderground parking. In Russia as a whole and in Moscow in particular, there are not very many such sites, most often they are located under very large shopping and entertainment complexes or on the lower tiers of huge residential areas consisting of new buildings.
A huge plus that distinguishes such a parking -This is what the machine is in a dry, warm and ventilated room. At such sites, a high-quality video surveillance system is usually installed, which significantly reduces the risk of theft of a car and theft of personal belongings of drivers from inside the car. In addition, when such a parking design, the basis initially lay a good capacity. This allows you to easily find a good place for the car.
You can leave the transport not only for a couple of hours, but even for days and weeks. This is especially true for parking lots located near railway stations and airports.
Similar on the principle of arrangement andSecurity can be Moscow parking, located on the upper floors (or on the roof) of buildings. True, there are very few such sites in the capital, because they presuppose a special construction of engineering structures, reinforced bases and floors of houses, special conveyors or tracks for cars.
Very pleased that the authorities are trying to improvethe situation with road congestion, but to solve this problem without arranging normal parking spaces is unrealistic. Capital officials predict by 2020 to solve the problem of lack of parking. To do this, it is planned to create so-called parking interceptors, which will be located near metro stations and major road junctions. In addition, it was possible to significantly unload the center of the capital due to the expansion of the actual parking area.
It is noteworthy that there is a tendency tothe basis of modern and high-tech parking. These are ground constructions that occupy a very small area, but thanks to the compact arrangement of the cars and their manufacturability they can hold quite a few cars in one place.
The difficulty is that such constructions are borrowed abroad, and domestic legislation does not provide for such parking lots.
The plans of statesmen are always excellent.they look in theory and on paper, but when it comes to their realization, this is where the real problems begin. It is no secret that the state budget is simply not able to solve all the problems at the same time, and the unloading of roads and pavements of the country is far from a top priority for officials, so the only thing left is to rely on investors.
Those who plan to open paid parking,faced with a huge number of difficulties. Constantly changing legislation, the absence of prescribed terms and concepts in the basic laws, bureaucracy and paperwork do not allow establishing a profitable business, and car owners can solve the problem with the house for their cars.
A separate question that interests the ownersof cars: what kind of parking space should they use? According to the rules, a section 5 meters long and 2.5 meters wide should be provided for storing one car in the parking lot. The driver can easily place his iron horse in these frames, but in practice this standard is rarely observed.
Parking lots that are rented accordinglydocuments, at least approximately, but comply with similar dimensions of the parking lot, and spontaneous parking, street parking along the roads, and especially the yard areas are in complete chaos. Drivers have to poke the car in any more or less a suitable place, and how exactly it is, no one understands. At least, until it will be necessary to drive off to the driver of the car parked nearby.
Residents of the Russian capital is especially difficultaccounted for driving. Long traffic jams, lack of parking, chaos on the roads - this is the daily reality faced by drivers of private cars, public and special vehicles. In recent years, the problem was solved a little. This was made possible thanks to the city program "Parking Moscow".
Its essence is that all parking spacessystematized and streamlined, developed a competent system of payment for parking. Money for the service can be made in a variety of ways, ranging from Internet payments and SMS and ending with the usual contribution of money through the terminals and parking meters.
Of course, there is also a fly in the ointment with honey:the system often fails, and developers sometimes solve problems for months. However, judging by the reports of road services, it was still possible to unload the Moscow movement, and in many respects thanks to the Moscow parking system.