/ / The concept of "natural zoning." The formation of natural areas depends on ...

The concept of "natural zoning." The formation of natural areas depends on ...

What determines the formation of natural areas? What natural zones stand out on our planet? You can answer these and some other questions after reading this article.

Natural zoning: the formation of natural areas in the territory

The so-called geographical envelope of ourthe planet is the largest natural complex. It is very heterogeneous, as in the vertical section (which is expressed in vertical zonality), and in the horizontal (latitudinal), which is expressed in the presence of a variety of natural zones on Earth. The formation of natural zones depends on several factors. And in this article we will talk specifically about the latitudinal heterogeneity of the geographical envelope.

The natural zone is a component of the geographical envelope, which is distinguished by a certain set of natural components with their own characteristics. These components include the following:

  • climatic conditions;
  • nature of the relief;
  • Hydrological grid of the territory;
  • soil structure;
  • organic world.

Нужно отметить, что формирование природных зон depends on the first component. However, natural zones usually receive their names, as a rule, according to the nature of their vegetation. After all, flora is the brightest component of any landscape. In other words, vegetation acts as an indicator, reflecting the underlying (those that are hidden from our eyes) processes of formation of the natural complex.

The formation of natural areas depends on the

It should be noted that the natural zone is the highest step in the hierarchy of the physico-geographical zoning of the planet.

Factors of natural zoning

We list all the factors of formation of natural zones on the Earth. So, the formation of natural zones depends on the following factors:

  1. Climatic features of the territory (this group of factors includes the temperature regime, the nature of moistening, as well as the properties of air masses that dominate the territory).
  2. The general character of the relief (this criterion, as a rule, affects only the configuration, the boundaries of a particular natural zone).

The formation of natural areas can also influenceproximity to the ocean, or the presence of powerful ocean currents off the coast. However, all these factors are secondary. The main source of natural zoning is that different parts (belts) of our planet receive a different amount of solar heat and moisture.

on which the formation of natural areas depends

Natural Areas of the World

What natural zones are geographers now singling out on the body of our planet? Let's list them from the poles - to the equator:

  • Arctic (and Antarctic) deserts.
  • Tundra and forest-tundra.
  • Taiga.
  • Zone of mixed forest.
  • Broad-leaved forest zone.
  • Forest steppe.
  • The steppe (or prairies).
  • A zone of semi-deserts and deserts.
  • Savannah Zone.
  • Rainforest zone.
  • Zone of moist equatorial forests (gilea).
  • Zone of rain (monsoon) forests.

If you look at the map of natural zoningplanets, we will see that all natural zones are located on it in the form of belts of a sublatitudinal direction. That is, these zones, as a rule, extend from west to east. Sometimes this sublatitudinal direction can be violated. The reason for this, as we have already said, is the specific features of the terrain of a particular territory.

natural zonation formation of natural areas

It is also worth noting that the clear boundaries betweenthere are no natural zones (as it is shown on the map). So, practically each of the zones smoothly "flows" into the next one. At the same time, boundary "zones" can very often form at the junction. For example, such are semi-desert or forest-steppe zones.


Итак, мы выяснили, что формирование природных зон depends on many factors. The main of them is the ratio of heat and moisture in a particular area, the properties of the dominant air masses, the nature of the relief, the structure of soils and so on. The set of these factors is the same for any territory: mainland, country or small area.

Geographers identify on the surface of our planet more than a dozen large natural zones, which are elongated in the form of belts and alternate from the equator to the polar latitudes.

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