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Status about time for social networks

A healer of souls, a measure of life and an incorruptible judge,before which all are equal, is all the time. It is honored with many wise words by which a person wanted to describe him. The status of time is one of the opportunities to express on this score.

time status

Beautiful statuses about the time

  • "There is no lost day, every second has its own meaning."
  • "We need to live so that" one day "and" one day "- this is today."
  • "In the interval between" not yet time "and" no longer time "is, in fact, life."
  • "Life is an opportunity: the ability to start anew, let go, forget, or return."
  • "Life is like a fall from a height, if you look downwards it's scary." If you look at the world, it's interesting. "
  • "There is no other moment, except now. Everything else is illusions, fantasies, dreams."
  • "Not yet lived a day is an opportunity."
  • "Life is like a game of chess, every pawn has the opportunity to grow into a queen."
  • "The moment for all is one: only the first chooses to rejoice over him, and the second chooses to be embarrassed by him."
  • "Life is a coin box for experience."
  • "The most important law of existence: enjoy slowly, act without delay."

Sad statuses about the time

The speed of life sooner or later everyone notices. And this can not but grieve. Awareness of this can reflect a sad status about time.

  • "Time is an excellent teacher, but the most ruthless of the known to man."
  • "There is a day like a moment. There is a life like a day."
  • "Over time, the stars cool down."
  • "Everything can be changed, except the past."
  • "Remembering flying days can only be by their saturation."
  • "Life is a river that you enter to swim or drown."
  • "There was no man who did not regret about wasted years."
  • "Wait - the lot of strong personalities."
  • "Merciless time can only be the case."
  • "The days go slowly, but go fast."
  • "While we wait, when we start to live, life ends."
  • "With the course of life, each person fills his soul with something. Someone presents gifts, somebody rubbish."
  • "If every person at birth were given a watch that measured the remaining days, life would be much more saturated."
  • "Life is made up of events, and time is just room for them."

statuses about time with meaning

Statuses about time with meaning

  • "A person always wants the minutes to fly slower, but rather faster".
  • "The only thing that can not be bought in this world is the days of life."
  • "Very often such important things today become stupid in a year."
  • "Every act has its own response in the future."
  • "Trains, unlike time, return, but even in this case there are already other people on the platform and in the car."
  • "There is no right moment." There is inner willingness. "
  • "The paradox of life: in his youth, a person postpones joy for later, and in old age he regrets that he did not live in all his strength."
  • "It’s not time that is ours, but we have it."
  • "You do not have to hold anything in your life." In time, it becomes clear that what's left is important. "

Statuses about time and love

Life can be measured not only by the quantityachievements, but also by the number of happy days. And what else makes human existence more full and meaningful than love? The status of time devoted to love, will help beautifully reflect your thoughts on this matter.

  • "In love, a person can kill time, but time can kill love."
  • "A day spent in the company of a loved one flies by a second." The day with the enemy is an endless year. "
  • "Always find a minute to talk with your loved one, so that when there is a minute, there was someone to talk to."
  • "Love is tested not by distance, fame or money." Love is tested by time. "
  • "Now is the time when politeness is mistaken for flirting, and a good attitude is for self-interest."
  • "Even eternity is not the time for waiting for your loved ones."

statuses about time and love

The status of time - a good way to remind yourself and others that the days of man on Earth are limited, the person himself chooses than to fill them. And how to live with benefit for themselves and others.

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