/ / Actor Ivan Dmitriev: biography, filmography, family

Actor Ivan Dmitriev: biography, filmography, family

Actor Ivan Dmitriev is quite worthy toto be ranked among the leading figures of the national scene and cinema. His life in the actor's environment faced many theatrical groups that were known throughout the Soviet Union. All the fans could characterize him in one voice: "Beautiful eyes." Without exception, the characters they played are the best examples of Soviet citizens. If someone can not immediately remember his face, there is no easier way than to recall the film that gave him fame to the vast territory of the Soviet Union - “Striped Flight”.

The childhood of the young actor

Actor Ivan Dmitriev was born in Vyshniy Volochek on July 30, 1915.

actor Ivan Dmitriev

The future luminary of the Alexandrinsky Theater beganhis career in Grozny, being three years old. The first stage experience really liked little Vanya and gave him an indescribable pleasure. Many years later he told that the name of the play was not deposited in his memory, but he remembered perfectly what was in his task. According to his role, he needed to run through the whole scene with a shout to the theater mom: “Mom, mommy, I love you, mommy.”

First recognition

The audience was always applauded. Coming backstage, young actor Ivan Dmitriev he felt on his head warm hands of his colleagues, he was praised and thrust candies into the pockets of her blouse, all the women of the troupe constantly kissed him. Vanya was delighted with this.

Already much later, studying in fifth gradecomprehensive school, he was the head of a drama group in his hometown. Periodically, the drume performed on the urban scene. They thus earned money for the realization of their dreams - to see Leningrad.

Adolescence and Youth

For three years, actor Ivan Dmitriev,the personal life of which, after one movie role, began to interest a huge number of admirers of his talent, he worked in the theater of the city of Vyshnevolotsk. He was an assistant director, fake, prompter, even performed on stage in an auxiliary line-up. He really wanted to become a circus performer. Hereby. Upon arrival in Leningrad, sitting in a circus uniform, the future actor Ivan Dmitriev learns that all circus artists retire at 30 years old. But this was not part of his plans.

One day, walking through the city, he walked alongMokhovaya street. Seeing the theater college there and listening to his inner voice, he decided to go there. He studied until 1937 on the course of Nadezhda Komarovskaya (she was an honored actress). After receiving a diploma, Dmitriev gets a job at the Comedy Theater.

actor Ivan Dmitriev personal life

Проходит совсем немного времени, и Ивана Petrovich was invited to film. His current leader did not approve of such misalignment, because he was convinced that the film industry was not intended for theater actors. Dmitriev faced a difficult choice in his life. But the filming process failed, and he no longer had the opportunity to return to the theater.

Road to the big screen

The thirties of the twentieth century are ending. Behind Ivan Dmitriev there are already several small cinematic roles.

In 1939, he starred in the film The Fourthperiscope". This work brought some success, the young actor was able to attract the attention of filmmakers with his work. But the first serious role appeared in his biography only ten years later. He played Dmitry Petrovich Pavlov in the film “Academician Ivan Pavlov”.

But great fame and indescribable successThey overtook Ivan Dmitriev in 1955, when the film “Over the Storefront of a Department Store” was released on the big screen. The character of the actor has become a worker honest and responsible, decent and very positive - Comrade Krylov. Throughout the whole picture, he becomes a victim of experienced scammers, gets into a difficult situation, but despite these difficulties, the main character still finds his very one and only, his love ...

This film brought together a team of famous and beloved actors: Oleg Anofriev, Mikaela Drozdovskaya, George Georgiou, Natalia Medvedeva, Svetlana Druzhinina ...

Later there were other interesting shootings - “Vanya”, “Unique Spring”, “Brothers” ...

Another star role hit his piggy bank in1961, when the audience watched a funny and sparkling film directed by V.Fetin “Striped Flight”. Another of his role, after which the people's admiration, recognition and love for the actor rose to incredible heights. And here on the set there were practically no unrecognizable people: Konstantin Konstantinovsky and Margarita Nazarova, Evgeny Leonov and Alisa Freindlich ...

 family of actor Ivan Dmitriev

The comedic role of the love assistant in charge became a success in the filmography of Dmitriev. And the picture received adoration and recognition even in foreign box office.

The story is simple and straightforward.The character Leonov rises to the ship under the guise of a veterinarian, and from that moment everything is just beginning. He does not know how to deal with the predators that he loaded onto the ship with him. And now he needs not to lose face in front of the team, so that they will not for a moment feel his panic fear of lions and tigers. And in parallel with this story, their passions unfold on the ship — a fellow barmaid and a senior officer are constantly exploring relationships.

For Yevgeny Leonov this film became the mostsignificant in his life: when they shot an episode in which his character washed in a bath to a merry song about the washing little Marusenka, and at this time a predator “peeks” to him, on this day the son had a son (much later TV series "Daddy's Daughter").

Theatrical works

For ten years, Ivan Petrovich has served inTheater of the Baltic Fleet. From that moment began his birth as a theater actor. And at the same time, Dmitriev walked the whole Great Patriotic War. He took part in the defense of Leningrad, Estonia, Kronstadt. He has many medals, the Order of the Red Star and World War II degree. In a word, from this “iconostasis” it can be understood that it was not performing theatrical tasks at all. After the war, the actor Ivan Dmitriev, whose biography gradually aroused more and more interest among theatergoers, never left his habit of wearing the sea uniform and almost never left his vest.

Ivan Dmitriev actor personal life family

The war is over.Ivan Dmitriev is invited to work in the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. He agreed immediately, because he simply raved about this opportunity. The actor sought to play the works of the classics of both foreign and Russian.

Having come to the theater troupe, Dmitriev soon realizedhow right he was. Indeed, he did not lose, because on these stages he became the leading actor. And the roles were those that can only be dreamed of: Paratov, Ostap Bender, Shuya ...

Terrible time

The family of actor Ivan Dmitriev was veryhappy and friendly. It was like an example of what should be the relationship between native people. But the leap year 2000 became very difficult for Ivan Petrovich: his beloved woman, Galina Grigoryevna's wife, quietly passed away. Their strong alliance lasted almost half a century. He had not yet had time to realize the grief that fell on him, as after only 13 days his son Anton was gone. He fell asleep in the chair and did not wake up. He was only 43 years old.

Even a strong, healthy person, it is very difficult to survive such stress. Dmitriev is already 84 years old ...

Это было началом конца великого артиста:because of this grief, he began to develop a cancerous tumor in the lung. Perhaps, with a different set of circumstances and with timely access to doctors, it would be possible to somehow correct the situation. But what happened happened ... Only three years passed, and Ivan Dmitriev was reunited with his family in the best of worlds.

actor Ivan Dmitriev biography

That he was, Ivan Dmitriev, an actor.Personal life, family, 12 years after his death, are interested in fans of the talent of this great man. And still, remembering him, everyone speaks only warm, kind words of admiration. He managed to create on the screen and on the stage the image of a romantic character of the Soviet years, was able to paint him with subtle lyrical notes.

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