/ / Dimensions of plastic pipes for sewage. Plastic pipes for sewage: standards

Sizes of plastic pipes for sewage. Plastic pipes for sewage: standards

Sewer plastic pipes, types, sizeswhich are presented below, have recently become the most popular. They are made of polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polybutylene, as well as polyethylene. Such products are in demand when arranging sewer systems that are resistant to aggressive substances. Pipes can be laid in domestic or industrial soils. Quality products are perfectly smooth, eliminating the possibility of clogging. During installation, you will have to use a traditional hacksaw designed for metal, the teeth of which will not form burrs.

Description of plastic sewer pipes

dimensions of plastic pipes for sewage

Plastic sewer pipes, dimensions,the standards of which will be described below are made of polymeric compounds. The technology guarantees durability, reliability and durability of sewage. You can use the material both inside and outside the house. Throughput capacity remains unsurpassed, even if the pipe is bent at the required angle. Equipping the sewage system, you can count on a reasonable cost, durability, and no need for cathodic protection. Thus, after the work there is no need for constant maintenance. Pipes are characterized by low thermal conductivity, which prevents the sewage from freezing. The weight of the products allows them to be mounted without the use of special equipment, and reliable protection excludes the spread of viruses and bacteria.


plastic sewer pipes dimensions

Plastic pipes for sewage benefitswhich are described above, can have different sizes, each of which is provided for a different degree of load. If there is a need to arrange a sewage system for an apartment building or a social facility, then a more impressive diameter should be used. Thus, the above figure of 200 millimeters is suitable for a hospital, hotel or sauna. An impressive diameter, equivalent to 300 millimeters, is used in the operation of industrial facilities. The types and sizes of plastic pipes for sewage must be selected before the start of work. In the individual construction pipes of very small diameter are used. Thus, if you apply when installing the riser 150 millimeters, it will not be fully involved, which is true for a house with a maximum number of bathrooms, limited to four.

Standards of sewer plastic pipes

plastic sewer pipe types sizes

In accordance with the nomenclature manufacturedsewer pipes made of plastic, the diameter of which can be equal to 50-110 millimeters. The thickness varies from 3 to 3, 2 millimeters. For the construction of outdoor sewage systems, a second variety should be used, which is able to provide the required mechanical strength. If you need plumbing plastic pipes, it is important to know how to choose the sizes before purchasing. However, it is important to decide which type of product you need. For example, external joints, including industrial ones, require the use of corrugated pipes made of two-layer polyethylene. Among the main advantages in this case, we can distinguish chemical resistance, excellent ring stiffness, which allows stacking at a depth of 20 meters. For arrangement of pressure systems, sewage polyethylene pipes are used, which have the appropriate properties. The diameter can vary from 10 to 1200 millimeters.

Using HDPE

types and sizes of plastic pipes for sewage

Dimensions of plastic pipes for sewage werementioned above, however, it is important to determine the type of product. Among others, it should be noted low-pressure polyethylene, which is highly durable. It is excellent in resisting aggressive environments.

GOST 22689.2-89

plastic sewer pipes dimensions standards

It is important to choose the size of plasticpipes for sewage, as well as to determine the type. The above-described corrugated products are not regulated by state standards and can be manufactured under conditions that are previously agreed with the customer. As for polyethylene pipes for arranging internal communications, GOST, mentioned above, is used in the manufacture. It indicates that the pipe can have a size ranging from 2 to 8 meters. The intermediate parameters are the following parameters 3; 5.5; 6. For internal work, the diameter of such a pipe can be from 40 to 110 millimeters. Intermediate values ​​are 50 and 90 millimeters.

Restriction in use

plastic sewer pipe advantages

It is important to choose the size of plasticsewage pipes, however you should take into account some limitations of the application. The standard involves the use of pipes for arranging gravity in sewers. As for pressure systems, they are laid according to other regulatory documents. Despite the standard, a polyethylene pipe, which is equipped with a rubber seal, can become part of the system using drainage pumps. If the pressure is low, this compound will be sufficient with excess. The types and sizes of plastic pipes for sewage will allow you to equip the system correctly, but it is important to consider some points that must be observed during operation. Thus, the products are designed for temperatures that do not exceed 45 degrees. However, short-term increases are acceptable, which can reach 60 degrees.

This requirement is recommended to be taken with particular seriousness, eliminating the use of a system for discharging water that has a high temperature.


plumbing plastic pipes how to choose sizes

Plastic sewer pipes, sizeswhich can be the most different, are used for laying of systems both in the city, and in rural areas. Such pipes are used more and more often for the reason that they are not at all afraid of soil movements and are distinguished by their plasticity as well as flexibility. Plastic pipes for sewage, the dimensions of which you have to pick up before the start of work, are not electrically conductive, have good corrosion resistance and do not fear the effects of corrosive media. You can not be afraid of the fact that moisture and moisture will be able to affect the performance of the material. Among other things, the surface is not a favorable environment for the emergence and reproduction of bacteria.

additional characteristics

Используя описываемые изделия, вы можете count on the long life of the material, which is guaranteed for 50 years. If the installation was carried out correctly, and the operation was carried out in compliance with the rules, this period may be extended. Consumers choose these products also because they are able to absorb noise, which is an advantage over other plastic pipes.


If in the course of the work you willIf corrugated pipes are used, then sliding couplings are used for their joining. They are selected when it is necessary to lay the system in the soil outside the room. When arranging internal networks, where it is customary to use pipes with sockets, manipulations should be carried out using the same technology that was used when using any other plastic pipe equipped with sealing rubber rings. In carrying out work as one of the most important conditions is the need to use high-quality components.

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