/ / NATO exercises in the Black Sea. Russian Response

NATO exercises in the Black Sea. Russian Response

February 12, 2015 in Belarusthe meeting of the four heads of state (Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine) and the republics (the People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of Germany), at which agreements on a ceasefire in Ukraine were adopted.

And although there is a local shootout between the militias andthe siloviki continued, the truce generally began, and people in the Donbas began to come out of the cellars and recover from the monstrous bloody conflict.

NATO exercises in the Black Sea

NATO doctrines

People did not have time to breathe freely, as they beganconduct NATO exercises in the Black Sea. Six ships - Turkey, Italy, Romania, Germany, Canada and the United States - conducted joint exercises. NATO representatives said that they are aimed at protecting against air and underwater attacks.

However, NATO exercises in the Black Sea can be conducted withpurpose of electronic intelligence. Thus, the movement of ships was controlled by the RF Armed Forces. The Russian Navy believes that NATO exercises in the Black Sea may relate to the east of Ukraine.

year 2014. Accession. Teachings. The alignment of forces

In 2014, NATO exercises were already held in the Black Sea. Nine ships of the alliance took part in them.

Recall that in the spring of 2014 Crimea wasis attached to Russia. In summer and autumn, joint exercises were conducted between US and Ukrainian ships in the framework of bilateral cooperation "Partnership for Peace". Also in the summer - NATO exercises in the Black Sea, in which the ships of countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Romania and, of course, the United States of America took part.

In the autumn of the same year, Russia respondedthe exercise of the Black Sea Fleet, which involved almost twenty ships and vessels, as well as more than twenty aircraft and helicopters. In addition, marine infantry and coastal artillery were involved. All the actions of NATO ships were tracked by Russian sailors.

Then, as the Russian military claimed,the US and NATO were only demonstrating their flag, not power. The alignment of forces across the Black Sea was clearly not in their favor. And if it came to a direct collision, the entire NATO fleet led by the US would be at the bottom of the sea.

Russia has the forces of permanent deployment in theThe Mediterranean Sea. Also, the entire Russian coast guard and aviation could be raised in the shortest possible time. The sixth US fleet is also based in the Mediterranean Sea. But even if he tried to enter the Black Sea, Russian missile systems, Granit and aviation would quickly meet him.

The fears of "Donald Cook" and "Toronto"

On April 10, 2014, the famous Americandestroyer "Donald Cook" with a missile defense system and cruise missiles "Tomahawk" went into the waters of the Black Sea. The ship was going to maneuver in the east of the reservoir, as the American side assured. But he did not succeed in being present in the Black Sea, alas, because the destroyer overflew the Russian Su-24 airplane.

The plane flew twelve times over the destroyer, imitating the attack.

The US military could do nothing, since the aircraft included the most advanced electronic suppression system, which blinded the instruments on the destroyer.

Thus, everyone saw the plane, but it was impossible to put weapons on it.

As soon as the destroyer descended ashore, twenty sevenmembers of his crew resigned, and, as the representative of the Pentagon subsequently testified, the US military was demoralized and suppressed by the actions of the Russian aircraft.

NATO military exercises

In the autumn, when NATO military exercises were held,over the Canadian ship "Toronto", two Russian ground-attack aircraft completed their planned flights. Canadian Defense Minister Nicholson was extremely outraged by such "provocative actions" of Russian aircraft, although he had to admit that they did not pose a threat to the warship. Apparently, the moral state of the Canadian military was also undermined, as was the case with the American destroyer. Although nothing has been reported about this.

NATO. Exercises in the Crimea

NATO is conducting exercises. 2015

And again, NATO was "eager to fight".The exercises in the Crimea by the Russian military, however, were also conducted. And as NATO commander-in-chief Philippe Breedlaw subsequently declared, the alignment of forces after the reunification of the Crimea and Russia at sea has changed greatly, and it is already unsafe for the alliance ships to be in the Black Sea.

NATO conducts exercises

Russia's response measures

NATO group was under close surveillance of the newest aircraft of Russia - Su-30 fighters and Su-24 bombers.

In addition, full-scalethe exercise in the south of Russia of air defense troops. More than 2,000 servicemen and more than 500 military equipment units were involved in the exercises. Out of twelve polygons located in different federal districts of Russia, as well as from the military bases of Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, there were field exits. European military experts angrily spoke about such a demonstration of the strength of Russian troops and expressed great concern in this regard.

But the fact remains. The Western provocation again failed.

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