/ / Ballistic Mask: features, reviews

Ballistic mask: features, reviews

A ballistic mask is part of the militaryuniform, which protects the face and head from damage. It is bulletproof. Such masks gained popularity in the 1980s and have not lost their relevance to this day. About them and will be discussed in the article.

general information

This is a design used by the military to protectface and head. Ballistic outfitting is compulsory in Taiwan. In the country it is worn by local police special forces. For example, Bolle ballistic mask is designed for extreme situations. Its feature is that the product has high-quality lenses with a scratch-resistant fog coating. The rim has vent holes. The mask is resistant to high temperatures. Combines with many models of protective helmets.

ballistic mask

Do ballistic outfits from the relativelyA lightweight material manufactured by DuPont Kevlar. Its weight reaches thousands of grams. Given the capabilities of the mask, it is not critical, it is designed for trained military. Use military equipment is not appropriate. The reason is not only the high price, but also the design features. The ballistic product, despite its frightening design, is capable of delivering significant discomfort. It is difficult to breathe and move to an unprepared person, especially if there are lung diseases and visual impairments.

Looks like

Standard black construction in fullcloses the face of a military man. There are holes for the eyes. Ballunistic mask Playerunknown "s Battlegrounds is designed to intimidate the enemy, it also protects the face, minimizing injuries from splinters, bullets and strokes .The mask has straps that fix it on the head. It does not completely cover the head, but only the face. black balaclava.It is used as equipment for special operations for special operations, the release of hostages, during hostilities or protection of order.

ballistic mask of special forces

What is it for?

A ballistic mask designed to protecta serviceman from a bullet wound in the face and head. The product is not afraid of most caliber bullets from nine to twelve millimeters. The mask can withstand sniper rifles from OSV-96 from a distance of five hundred meters. Produce equipment from special material, covered with a special composition. Thanks to him, the mask withstands high humidity and other effects.

playerunknown s battlegrounds ballistic mask


The ballistic mask of the special forces has some technical and functional features. They are listed below:

  • Visibility. Provides an excellent overview, does not limit visibility, does not interfere with the military during operations. You can not wear a mask on glasses.
  • Aiming. The design allows for sighting withusing external devices. In order to find the goal, you need to change the angle of the head, the point of the weapon's abutment in the shoulder. In comparison with a gas mask, this mask is comfortable. It does not interfere with breathing, but it can cause psychological discomfort.
  • Convenience. During use, it does not bring largeinconveniences. If you turn your head sharply, the inertia increases. The ballistic mask is ergonomic, therefore it protects against penetration of bullets from the front side, without causing significant discomfort. Inside the mask there are pads: two on the front zone, two in the cheek area. The product provides six elastic straps, with which you can adjust it for the features of the structure of the head and face.
  • Appearance. The mask not only protects the head and face, but also produces an awesome effect on the opponent. It is almost impossible to see a person through thermal imagers.

ballistic bolle

Advantages and disadvantages

The ballistic mask has advantages and disadvantages. Its pluses include the following parameters:

  1. Material. The strength of the protective masks depends on theirconstruction and material. Products from Kevlar are mandatory equipment of special forces of different countries. Kevlar is a para-aramid high-strength fiber. The properties of the material is stronger than steel. The design of it reliably protects the military's face from splinters and all bullets (the exception is the "Magnum" weapon).
  2. Design. His frightening appearance has a psychological effect on the enemy.
  3. Strength. Withstands strikes of great strength, protects the face from shrapnel wounds, injuries, injuries. Minimizes damage from bullets.

The shortcomings of ballistic products include:difficulties with breathing that arise during movement, smoke. At high physical loads, the mask prevents oxygen from penetrating. The big weight (about one kilogram) becomes an essential obstacle to communication. In addition, the construction is quite expensive.

ballistic mask reviews


Reliable or not ballistic mask?Reviews of those who had to use this equipment or conduct testing (despite the characteristics, functionality and durable material), were divided. Most still believe that the design is useless. It is good as a deterrent, but it will not save even bullets from bullets. The disadvantages are that the eye holes do not have glass, the view is limited, the mask does not fully protect the head, and there are difficulties with breathing.

Outfitting minimizes injuries and injuries, withhit the bullet protects the skull, but does not exclude concussion and loss of consciousness. The mask is not a protection against smoke, so getting into the caustic smoke can cause deterioration of well-being and affect the activity of the military. Despite the disadvantages, this design is used in the armies of many countries quite successfully.

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