/ / "Ugly" children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis

"Ugly" children Demi Moore and Bruce Willis

Demi Moore and Bruce Willis called the most beautifula pair of Hollywood. Indeed, lovers evoked the envy of many, because in addition to external appeal they had a really strong relationship. The actor's couple was a model of a lasting family union. However, their marriage still broke up 11 years later, which is a lot for Hollywood. In 1998, former lovers dissolved their legitimate relationship. What caused the divorce, and how many children have Demi Moore and Bruce Willis? This will be discussed later.

Children Demi Moore

How it all began?

The love story of movie stars began in the summer of 1987.They first saw each other on the set of the movie Stakeout - "Sleight". From that very day, they began spending a lot of time together and literally did not let go of each other for a minute. The actor at that time had serious problems with alcohol. In addition, he was a womanizer and could not miss a single skirt. Demi was also far from being a good girl, but she was also known to be a brawler. In general, young celebrities fit together the best. Surrounding people, as well as friends of the stars did not believe in the durability of these relations. They predicted a speedy separation. However, despite the various rumors and outsider guesses, the lovers had the most important thing - mutual understanding.

During the years of marriage, the couple had manyall, including quarrels. However, despite this, they continued their alliance. They say that the reason for the long marriage was a very peculiar and unconventional relationship between Demi and Bruce. They gave each other complete freedom in everything, including all sorts of intrigues on the side.

The children of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore

And how it ended

After 11 years of married life, the couple decidedto part, which was done in 1998. Why the couple took this step, is still unknown. The true reason for parting the star is kept under seven locks. Nevertheless, representatives of the media and fans assume that this was influenced by the unruly way of life of Willis. He loved women and did not confine himself to flirting with them. In the end Demi got tired of all this, and she decided to put an end to this relationship. Despite this, the former husband, Demi Moore and the children quite often communicate with each other.

Celebrities managed to save the warmth of relations andto this day they are good friends. Willis also managed to find a common language with the new actress's suitor - Ashton Kutcher, whose wife Demi Moore became in 2005. The ex-spouses kept warm relations for the sake of their daughters.

how many children have Demi Moore

The children of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore

The ex-lover has three daughters.The first girl named Rumer was born in 1988. Then in 1991, the light appeared Scout. After another 3 years, the couple had a younger child. Some admirers of the couple are surprised why such beautiful parents turned out not very cute children, because in the inheritance they had to get a dazzling appearance. But nature has its own view on this matter. Ill-wishers openly declare that the children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis are "scary." Others say that girls are very similar to their father, especially when they are nearby. But from the beauty of Demi's daughter did not inherit almost anything.

Demi Moore husband children

Papin's heredity

The greatest similarity of children and their dads, in the opinion offans - a fairly large jaw. Such a family trait brings a lot of discomfort to the children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. So, the oldest daughter of actors Rumer somehow admitted that she does not like her appearance and feels discomfort about this. The fact that the girl tries to prove herself as an actress and TV presenter, and this appearance to her in this is not an ally.

The daughter became like a mother

Little Rumer in his childhood was called "potato" andthey said that she looked like a boy. She repeatedly told in interviews that she is thinking about a plastic surgery and "would gladly correct her horse's jaw." By the way, some time after Rumer gave this interview, many noticed changes in her appearance: her face became more harmonious and proportionate, her jaw became softer and her lips acquired a beautiful bend. Fans of the stellar family suspected that Rumer really decided on the operation. After that, the eldest of the children Demi Moore and Bruce Willis became like a mother.

The children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis are terrible

Professional similarities

Rumer, despite his unpresentable, according to heropinion, appearance, very well debuted in the cinema. The beginning actress played roles in the top ten Hollywood films. Yes, these are secondary roles, and not the main ones. However, the girl does not intend to stop there. In her plans to conquer Hollywood and achieve such fame as her star mother could achieve. In addition, Rumer performed well as a dancer. She won the American version of the dance show "Dancing with the Stars."

As for younger children Demi Moore and BruceWillis, they have not decided yet on what professional path to go. At the moment girls are actively learning. But they have a little bit of acting talent. Scout and Talulla, as well as their older sister, starred in the movies. They played roles in films, in which their star parents played. So, the younger children Demi Moore and her ex-spouse performed episodic roles in the tape "Scarlet Letter". Recall that it was also played by Demi herself. In addition, they appeared in the comedy "9 yards", where Bruce participated. They say that the young actresses performed well in the actor's field.

Will it be seriously engaged in actingthe children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, are still unknown. Perhaps very soon we will hear about the magnificent roles played by the children of eminent parents who will go down in the history of Hollywood.

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