/ / Chemical paint remover from metal

Chemical paint remover from metal

To date, many of us have come acrosssuch kind of finishing works as painting. Paint is one of the most durable types of coatings, which are very difficult to remove from any surface. However, it is often necessary to remove the paint from the metal in order to repaint it in a different color. Cleaning the surface by hand is very difficult and time consuming, and it does not always work out perfectly. Therefore, for cleaning the surface come to the aid of chemicals for removing paint from metal. There are solutions in stores that contain various components, some of which can have a negative effect on the body.

general information

metal paint remover

Chemical method of removing paint is oneof the most effective among those available today. It is based on the use of solvents and various solutions made on the basis of chemical substances. They are sold in many stores, and their cost is relatively low, so most people prefer to use chemistry to remove paintwork.

Solvent Types

Today chemical washes of the following types are on sale:

  • Modified metal paint remover designed to effectively remove most types of paint and varnish coatings.
  • Universal washes - do an excellent job not only with fresh paint, but also with outdated layers. In addition to paint, well washed off filler and primer mixtures.
  • Means for removing powder paint from metal - chemicals that perfectly dissolve paints made from polymers.
  • Conventional solvents - do a good job with removing not very old paint layer from metal products.
  • Combined chemicals - very fast action.
  • Multifunctional solutions.

The choice of chemical means for cleaningmetal surfaces from the paint depends on the purpose for which you need it, so it is recommended that you read the instructions for use very carefully before purchasing.

The principle of action of chemicals

metal paint remover

Metal paint remover containsIn its composition, the active components soften the structure of the paint, as a result of which the coating loses its strength and quality of adhesion to iron, making it quite easy to remove.

Chemicals start very quicklyact, however, the achieved effect is maintained for a short period of time. Therefore, when removing old paint or a very thick layer of the coating, it is not always possible to clean the metal surface, which may require repeated application of washes on the treated surface.

If you want to reduce financial costs bypurchase of chemicals and for this purpose you are looking for the best means for removing powder paint from metal, then it is worth buying those removers that contain substances that create an impermeable film that slows the evaporation of the solvent. However, when using such tools, there is also a negative side, which is that substances that create an impermeable film may remain on the metal surface, which deteriorates its quality of adhesion to paints and varnishes. Therefore, after removing the paint is recommended to thoroughly rinse the surface with any detergent.

Modern chemical solvents

metal paint removal chemicals

A modern tool for removing old paint from metal contains special additives that give it a gel-like consistency, giving it the following advantages:

  • solvent evaporation is not so fast;
  • chemicals are less toxic;
  • Solvents do not drain from the surface, so they can even be applied to the ceiling.

After applying modern solvents to the paintwork, they completely soften it in just 25 minutes, after which the paint is very easily removed from the metal base.


metal paint remover prestige

How much does the removal tool have?paint with metal "Prestige"? This is a very topical issue that interests many people, no less than the performance characteristics of solvents. And this is not surprising, because regardless of the cost of chemical washes, if their consumption is small, then the financial costs will be insignificant. However, the difficulty is that it is very difficult to accurately calculate the consumption of softeners made on the basis of chemical mixtures. The fact is that the amount of solvent needed to completely remove the paint coating depends on many factors.

The best solution is to removepaints from metal which effectively copes with its task at a thickness of the layer equal to the thickness of the paint. Proceeding from this, it follows that for a complete stripping of a metal surface it will take as many cans of washing as cans of paint were spent on painting an iron product.

How to work with chemical washes?

Metal Powder Remover

To remove paint from a metal surface quickly and with minimal effort, follow these tips and recommendations:

  1. Before applying the solvent surface should be thoroughly cleaned.
  2. Apply remover is best with a spray gun. This will evenly distribute the tool over the entire surface.
  3. After applying the solvent to the iron structure, it should be covered with a film to prevent access of fresh air.
  4. After 30 minutes the film is removed and you can begin to remove the paint. If the paintwork does not soften well, the chemical agent for removing paint from metal is reapplied.

In addition, before starting work with the remover, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the operating instructions.

Safety precautions when working with solvents

the best tool for removing powder paint from metal

As part of most chemical solventsthere are various substances that are dangerous to humans. Vaporizing, they can get into the respiratory system, with the result that you can feel sore or burning sensation in the throat, feel nausea or shortness of breath, severe headaches, dizziness, and much more. Therefore, when working with them should use a respirator.

In addition, it is forbidden to allow hitchemical washes on the skin and in the eyes, so during work you should use clothing that completely covers the body and limbs, rubber gloves and construction glasses.

As it turned out, it is easy to remove paint from metal with the help of chemicals. The most important thing is to choose a suitable solution and adhere to safety precautions.

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