/ / Selena Gomez tattoo on all parts of the body

Tattoo Selena Gomez on all parts of the body

Find a modern celebrity who does not havetattoos, almost impossible. Someone perpetuates on his body the name of a loved one away from the eyes of the people, and for some the body becomes a canvas for painting. Selena Gomez, who tries to communicate her views and values ​​through tattoos, as well as show her individuality, is no exception. Probably, Selena does not know that every second star of show business tries to express her personality in the same way.

Symbolic Signs

For the first time, Selena Gomez, as a true devotee of music, stuffed a tattoo in the form of a miniature note on her wrist. Selena Gomez's musical tattoo was the only real one.

Back in 2010, fans noticed on the wriststar tattooed cross. The religious tattoo of Selena Gomez, whose photo dazzled in all the news of show business, caused a lot of questions. As it turned out, Selena made him a sign of a trembling attitude towards religion. Soon the tattoo of Selena Gomez disappeared, as it was performed with henna. In the same year, she temporarily adorned her shoulder with the inscription Sel. Since Gomez considers the wrist to be the most suitable place for a tattoo, she supplemented it with a temporary symbol of infinity. She did not explain this sign on the body.

tatu seleny gomez

Skeleton in the closet

While doing tattoos, Selena Gomez never advertisedthis. The fans did not even suspect that at the hip their favorites were flaunting the phrase God strengthens me. The secret opened in the fall of 2013, when the star basked on the warm coast of Florida in a beautiful swimsuit. Then the paparazzi's chambers were riveted not to the sumptuous figure of Selena Gomez, but to her unexpected tattoo. How long Gomez decided on this step is unknown, since in ordinary life the singer prefers to hide such a beautiful part of her body.

tatu selenium gomez photo

Nape for mom, back for myself

Not so long ago in the squad of the tattoo Selena Gomez arrivedreplenishment. Selena decorated her head with a seventy-six figure (LXXVI) in Latin. Fans immediately began to reflect on the meaning of this sign. She's still a long way to seventy-six, seventy-six songs she still has not released, and she does not have seventy-six close friends-she had many suggestions, but the answer was never found. He was given by Selena herself, who loves her mother most of all. It turns out that her mother was born in 1976, which prompted her to create just such a tattoo. But she does not forget about herself either. Recently, on the back under the shoulder blade, she filled the phrase in Arabic, in Russian, meaning "in the first place I love myself."

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