/ / Leonid Volkov: life and career of an opposition politician

Leonid Volkov: life and career of the opposition politician

Leonid Volkov - politician, IT-specialistand the oppositionist. The biography of this man is very curious because he is one of the few deputies who keep up with the times. It so happened that today the name of Leonid Volkov is often associated with his infobusiness, which only recently was only notes on paper.

But let's get everything in order.After all, first you need to understand what kind of person Leonid Volkov is, and what is his way of life? And only then to understand what kind of political views he holds.

Leonid wolves

Leonid Volkov: a biography of his early years

Будущий политик родился в Екатеринбурге 10 ноября 1980 Almost all his childhood passed in this city. The boy's father was Mikhail Vladimirovich Volkov, an honored teacher, an employee of the Ural State University. It was he who instilled in the young Leonid a passion for the exact sciences, which played a very important role in the fate of the politician.

After graduation, Leonid Volkov enteredthe same university where his father worked. Volkov chose the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, which he successfully graduated from in 2002, as the main direction. But Leonid did not stop at what he had achieved. Three years later he graduated from graduate school at the Ural State University. And in 2006 he defended his doctoral and became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

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First career achievements

Leonid Volkov learned to make money, evenbeing at university. So, in 1998, he got a job in a local company SKB Kontur. The talent of the young programmer was quickly noticed by the top management of the organization. Due to this, his career advancement was very fast.

In 2007, he became chief executive officer inOffice of federal projects. This position gave Leonid Volkov an unforgettable experience that will allow him to create and develop his own projects in the future. As for the work in SKB Kontur, in recent years he has been engaged in introducing new ideas related to the creation of electronic accounting systems.

In 2010, Leonid Volkov left the company. The reason for leaving was the political activity of the programmer, which was not combined with work in the office.

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Political activity

Driven by the idea of ​​a democratic society, LeonidVolkov in 2009 joined the ranks of the members of the Solidarity movement. In March of the same year, he submits an application for participation in the elections to the Yekaterinburg City Duma. And since Fortune was supportive of the young politician, he wins this battle for votes.

Having made it to the deputies of the city for four yearsmanagement, he becomes a member of the commission on urban management. Leonid Volkov also bears responsibility for all issues related to information policy and self-government in Yekaterinburg.

In October 2010, he becomes one ofthe main organizers of the rally in defense of Yegor Bychkov. The emotions received during these actions, he later splashes out in the book "Cloud Democracy", which was published in the summer of 2010. By the way, he worked on the book together with the well-known political scientist Fyodor Krasheninnikov.

В 2011 году Леонид Волков попытался выиграть Elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region. However, his ambitions were defeated by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. So it turned out that the judges saw signs of fraud related to exceeding the number of voter signatures.

In August 2012, Volkov Leonid Mikhailovichjoins the Coordination Council of the Russian opposition. Here he gets the role of the chairman of the central committee, which allows Volkov to always be at the center of all events.

In 2015, he adjoins the number of thoseToday they consider oppositional forces. To be more precise, Leonid Volkov becomes one of the members of the PARNAS party (People’s Freedom Party). Mostly here he was engaged in election training. So, in 2015, he tried to help his party members win elections to the Novosibirsk Legislative Assembly. Alas, his efforts were not crowned with success, which greatly shaken the politician's confidence.

However, Leonid Volkov did not give up. Soon he resumed his work, but this time at the electoral headquarters of PARNAS in the Kostroma region.

Leonid wolves biography

Work with Alexei Navalny

In the summer of 2013, Leonid Volkov took uppromotion of the candidacy of Alexei Navalny for the post of mayor of Moscow. Thanks to his intervention, the rating of Navalny began to grow rapidly upwards. But in the end, this is still not enough for victory.

However, in June 2015, an incident occurredwhich made people look differently at the cooperation of these two people. So, on July 17, a scuffle occurred near the Novosibirsk headquarters of PARNAS, during which protesters threw eggs at Navalny.

During these events, Volkov tried to shieldchief of the camera lenses. And it so happened that in the heat of battle, he broke the microphone of the journalist LifeNews. As a result, charges were filed against the politician under the article “Hindering the legal professional activities of a journalist”. At the moment, the case is in court, and Volkov gave a written undertaking not to leave the country.

Company "Searchlight"

At the end of 2010, Leonid Volkov, along with hiswife Natalia Gredin founded the company "Projector." From the words of the politician himself, his organization aims to illuminate the path for those who want to implement interesting Internet projects.

If more precisely, the "Searchlight" is committed to helping young professionals to advance in the network.

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Personal life

Politics life is always under the gunof journalists. Leonid Volkov was no exception. Photos of this person often appear on various news portals, especially those related to politics.

However, despite his popularity Volkov skillfullyhides his personal life from prying eyes. It is only known that his first wife was Natalia Gredin. She is the mother of his children: the girls of Margaret and the boy Boris.

The second wife of Leonid Volkov was Anna Biryukova.According to some sources, the politician met with the new passion in the office of Alexei Navalny. After a short romance, they decided to be together and soon got married.

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