What is speech?

What is speech?This term has several definitions. One of them is the ability to express one's thoughts. To exhaustively answer the question "what is speech", one should imagine what would have happened if this phenomenon were absent. Then all interaction between people would cease, as a result, society as such would simply not exist. So, speech is a way of communication and interaction through a certain system. For this use languages ​​- both natural (for example, Russian), and artificial.

The mechanisms of the occurrence of speech are very complex.They involve auditory, visual and motor analyzers of the brain, as well as a speech apparatus. The latter functions due to the well-coordinated work of a number of respiratory, vocal and articulatory systems.

It is necessary to distinguish between speech and language, these concepts are notare identical. If the latter is a means of communication, the first is the process of communication. If any language is inherent in a whole nation or even in several peoples, then speech is individual for each of its bearers.

It has a number of functions:communicative (establishing contact, communicating information), expressive (expression of feelings, often with the help of intonation), aesthetic (the main role in this case is not the content of the message, but its form), significative (designation of objects and their properties), directive on the listener, prompting to action).

There are two main types of speech - internal andexternal. The latter is divided into written and oral (which can be in the form of dialogue or monologue). The internal is the phase of activity planning, practical and theoretical (thought). It is characterized by fragmentation and situationality. It is based on external speech. However, it has its own peculiarities. For example, the transition of the external to the internal, or internalization, requires the compression of the initial volume of information.

Speech and thinking are closely related.A person thinks using the words of his native language; the words generalize the signs, concepts and phenomena. With their help, their own thoughts are expressed and others are perceived. It has long been noted that words affect the processes occurring in the body, which is caused by their meaning and emotional coloring: words can encourage, but can negatively influence, up to the disturbance of the psyche.

Based on an understanding of what speech is, you cansay that it is a unique phenomenon, peculiar only to man. Some may object, stating the fact that animals can also use some primitive ways of communicating. But the properties of speech allow us to express our thoughts, and this is inaccessible to animals. The development of the ability to speak is an incentive for the development of the intellect, so communication with the child in the first months of his life should be given a lot of attention.

Carrying out certain actions in the presence ofbaby, my mother should accompany them with an explanation, for example: "I take a pot ... I'm cooking soup ... now we'll eat." Such statements should relate to the situation, that is, in the kitchen, parents should talk about food, in the bathroom - about washing, soap , water, and in the bedroom - about a dream, a blanket, a pillow, etc. Psychologists say that the wonderful stimulus for the development of children is the questions asked of them, therefore it is worthwhile to communicate with the baby in the form of a dialogue ("what does mom do now?" - "vacuum cleaner"). A wonderful assistant for parents will be a book. To look at the child for a night's tale.With attention to the illustrations, one can ask questions to them.Thus, verbal communication will be supplemented by an analysis of illustrations.

Talking with children is already from the first months of theirlife, so that they gradually become accustomed to speech. The physiological features of the baby do not allow him to repeat exactly what the adults tell him, so his first attempts to speak out are unsuccessful. What is the speech of a child under the age of one year? This is babbling, incomprehensible sounds. Talk with him is as often as possible, so that it is easier for him to learn the skills of communication.

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