/ / Design of the bathhouse 4 to 4 with an attic. The project of a bath with an attic and a terrace

The design of the bathhouse is 4 to 4 with an attic. The project of a bath with an attic and a terrace

Bath with a residential attic has long ceased to besomething amazing. Each owner strives for maximum comfort, practicality and expansion of the functionality of his property. So let's look at the attractive projects of baths from a bar with an attic.

projects of saunas with an attic

Baths from a bar with a penthouse

Construction of a bath with an attic - verya functional solution that allows you to place in a small area not only the steam room itself, but also auxiliary rooms. And the erection of such a structure is less expensive than the construction of a steam room in two floors, and it will look no worse.

The second floor is an additional area, which can be used in various ways.

On the second floor there is a staircase with steps andrailings. In the attic, as a rule, have a rest room, a guest room or, if the family is large, they equip one more bedroom, a billiard room, a place for sports or hobbies, etc.

bath with attic and veranda projects

Projects of saunas with an attic: advantages

  1. The steam room with a built-in attic allows you to get additional useful space.
  2. The construction of the attic is much more profitable thanconstruction of the second floor, and you can save more than 30% of the funds. If you carry out construction work according to all the rules, you can eventually get an additional floor, which practically does not differ from the second residential full-fledged floor.
  3. The attic is a universal space,which can accommodate almost anything. In this area, you can perfectly accommodate a rest room, and a bedroom, and a billiard room, etc. In addition, it is possible to arrange a pantry or something like a warehouse.
  4. Thanks to the heat coming from the first floor, it will be possible to minimize heating costs.

project of a bath with an attic and a terrace


  1. When building a bath with an atticpay special attention to the hydro and steam insulation between the two floors, because the first floor has high humidity and temperature. Heat and evaporation in the therma should not affect the attic. Otherwise, the second floor simply "bloom", there may appear fungus and mold. In the bathhouse, where the insulation between the therma and the attic is poorly finished, repair will very soon be necessary. Therefore, during construction, only high-quality insulation materials should be used.
  2. Insulation of the attic makes it much more expensivebuilding. But if the owners of the bath do not plan to use the superstructure in the winter, it is not necessary to do this, since this is not necessary. The first floor is insulated.
  3. Work on erecting the roof of a bath with a mansard floor is more expensive, since the roof area is larger.
  4. In the summer heat on the second floor above the therma will not be very comfortable, so you will need to think about the air conditioner.
  5. For a bath with an attic, additional measures are required to ensure fire safety.

the project of a bath 4 on 4 with an attic

The project of the bathhouse 4 to 4 with an attic

Such options are most suitable for those hosts,who does not have a large plot or does not consider it necessary to build a large steam room. The design of the bathhouse 4 to 4 with an attic, despite its very modest size, can accommodate everything that is necessary for a good rest.

Under one mansard roof can be placedseveral comfortable rooms. On the first floor, arrange a steam room, a washing room and a rest room, and use the second floor at your own discretion. The ceiling of the attic is recommended to be made at a height of not less than 2 meters. There is no problem to fit a small bedroom, a tennis table or a children's playroom. The additional room can make the rest after the bathing procedures more comfortable and enjoyable.

The design of the bathhouse 4 on 4 with an attic will ideally fit in a small suburban area and can not only become a decoration of the dacha, but also make a holiday a certain variety.

project bath 4 to 4 with an attic [

Bath with attic and veranda

Bath with attic and veranda projects can have a wide variety.

Veranda (terrace) is most advantageous to build not asa separate structure, and with a bath under one roof. Because they have at least one size (width or length) should be the same. The easiest way to realize such an idea is as follows: to make a gable roof of a bath, on one side leaning against a capital wall, and the other - lying on a terrace rack.

When designing a bathhouse with an attic and a terrace,determine the useful area of ​​the extension. It directly depends on the number of people visiting the bathhouse at the same time. The family, consisting of 4 people, for comfortable placement at the table will be enough 8 m2. In case the gathered company will be more than 6-8 people, then it is necessary to lay a bath 4 to 4 in the project with an attic and a terrace of at least 14 m2. After determining the dimensions of the veranda, you can finally choose the side with which it is best placed.

Along the narrow narrow wall of the baths a small terrace will be well placed, and if you need a more spacious room, then open the canopy along the wide side.

You can also arrange a terrace between the sauna and the house. Only in this case it is better to build a bathhouse with a veranda to the back of the apartment house so that smoke from the chimney's pipe does not get into the room windows.

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