/ The most interesting fact about Venus

The most interesting fact about Venus

Astronomy is one of the most fascinating sciences,which interested both scientists and ordinary people at all times. Particular attention has always been drawn to the planets of the solar system, including Venus. After all, this heavenly body, located on the second place from the Sun, is rightly called the "sister" of the Earth - it has dimensions similar to our planet, weight, gravity, and density of matter.

an interesting fact about Venus


One of the most interesting facts about Venusis that there is a very serious difference between the Earth and this planet. Venus is a planet with a very strong greenhouse effect. And this circumstance makes it absolutely unsuitable for people's lives. It is unlikely that any of the living beings could stay for a long time on the surface of the planet. After all, the pressure on Venus is extremely high.

Even a spacecraft will need specialshielding equipment only in order to survive. The atmosphere of this unusual planet contains carbon dioxide, as well as impurities of sulfuric acid. All this cocktail is deadly for any living being. True, the upper atmospheric layers are temperate. Approximately at an altitude of 50 km. from the surface of Venus the density and pressure of the atmosphere become similar to the terrestrial. Atmospheric pressure on Venus exceeds the ground by 90 times.

venus planet interesting facts for children

Brightness of the planet

Another interesting fact about Venus:this planet is so bright that it often becomes a "source of new data" about UFOs. As a rule, such an illusion arises during the period of its visibility in the evening. It is during this period that Venus becomes most noticeable - immediately after the sun goes over the horizon. Venus can be seen even through the clouds of the twilight sky, until the other stars appear. This spectacle is very impressive and is of special interest to every amateur astronomy: clouds passing by create the appearance of a bright celestial body that flies in the opposite direction.

interesting facts about Venus for children

Clouds - the cause of radiance

Why is the "sister of the Earth" so bright?Scientists answer this question: the fact is that it is covered by white clouds. They reflect about 60% of all the sun rays coming to the surface of Venus back into space. The layer of clouds around the planet consists mainly of vapors of concentrated sulfuric acid. The clouds move in the direction from east to west, and make a complete revolution around the axis of the planet in 4 days. Illumination on the surface of the planet itself resembles the earthly in a bad weather. To measure and compare the brightness of stars, astronomers use a scale of apparent stellar magnitudes. According to this scale, the brightness of Venus is 4.

Lack of satellites

One of the most interesting facts about Venusis that this planet has neither satellites nor rings. And this circumstance equates the planet with its "companion in misfortune" - Mercury. Any other planet in the solar system has at least one satellite. The reason for this has not yet been solved by astronomers. Modern researchers can only compare the characteristics of different planets, as well as their characteristics.

interesting facts about the planet Venus

Active volcanoes

This is one of the interesting facts about Venus, whichIt is known to everyone who is seriously interested in the science of celestial bodies. Scientists have discovered lava flows on the surface of the planet, which are direct evidence of the fact that the last 100 years there have been many eruptions. Also, scientists say that volcanoes on the surface of Venus began to show activity for 1.5 billion years. In 2010, the researchers reported that they detected infrared radiation from three regions of the planet - that is where, according to their assumptions, volcanic activity occurs.

"The electric dragon of Venus"

Until 1980, scientists did not haveinformation that lightning can be on any other planet other than Earth. However, studies have shown that in the planet's atmosphere, lightning strikes twice as often as in the terrestrial. It was to this phenomenon that the scientists gave the original name - "the electric dragon of Venus". An interesting fact: for the first time this phenomenon was recorded with the help of the device "Venus-2", and at first it was detected as interference in the telecast.

Hell on the surface of the planet

Venus is the hottest in the entire solar system due to dense clouds covering it. The temperature on its surface can reach 470 aboutC. Moreover, there are no daily differences on the planet.The temperature is also the same at the equator and at the poles. When the sun was not so bright, Venus was much colder. On its surface were entire oceans of liquid water. Gradually, it evaporated, increasingly contributing to the establishment of the greenhouse effect. Astronomers were able to find out a lot of interesting facts about the planet Venus, relating to the past of the planet. For a million years, it completely dispersed in space. As the temperature on the surface of the planet increased, carbon dioxide was released more and more. This led to overheating.

The most interesting facts about Venus

Interesting facts about the planet Venus for children

Not so long ago - back in the 50s of last century -scientists believed that life on the surface of this planet could well exist. But only with the development of science and technology it became clear that the conditions on Venus are not compatible with any forms of existence. What other features did the scientists learn about this planet? Interesting facts about Venus for children and adults are presented in the following list:

  1. One day on this planet lasts longer than a year on Earth. A complete revolution around its axis Venus commits over 200 terrestrial days.
  2. Venus rotates about its axis clockwise. Unlike other planets that revolve against.
  3. The force of gravity on the planet is less than the earth's. Astronomers suggest that this fact may be due to the fact that Venus does not have such a large nucleus as the Earth.
  4. No sunshine can get to the surface of the planet. All the year round on Venus pour acid rain, blowing the strongest wind.
  5. On the surface of Venus there is not a single craterfrom meteorites. It is assumed that the entire planet is entirely covered with volcanoes. Of these, lava flows constantly erupt, which prevents the formation of traces from meteorites that have fallen to the surface of the planet.
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