/ / Society as a dynamic system

Society as a dynamic system

In philosophy, society is defined as "dynamicsystem ". The word "system" is translated from Greek as "a whole consisting of parts". Society as a dynamic system includes parts, elements, subsystems that interact with each other, as well as links and relationships between them. It changes, develops, new ones arise and old parts or subsystems disappear, they mutate, they acquire new forms and qualities.

Society as a dynamic system has a complexmultilevel structure and includes a large number of levels, sublevels, elements. For example, human society on a global scale includes many societies in the form of different states, which in turn consist of different social groups, and they include a person.

Структура общества состоит из четырех подсистем, which are the main spheres of human activity - political, economic, social and spiritual. Each sphere has its own structure and itself is also a complex system. So, for example, the political sphere is a system that includes a huge number of components - parties, government, parliament, public organizations and others. But the government can also be seen as a system with many components.

Each sphere of society is in relation tothe whole society subsystem, but at the same time itself - a fairly complex system. Thus, we already have a hierarchy of the systems and subsystems themselves, that is, in other words, the society is a complex system of systems, a kind of super-system or, as is sometimes said, a metasystem.

Общество как сложная динамическая система characterized by the presence in its composition of various elements, both material (buildings, technical systems, institutions, organizations), and ideal (ideas, values, customs, traditions, mentality). For example, the economic subsystem includes organizations, banks, transport, manufactured goods and services and, at the same time, economic knowledge, laws, values, and so on.

Society as a dynamic system containsa special element, which is its main, system-forming element. It is a person who has freedom of will, ability to set a goal and choose means to achieve this goal, which makes social systems more mobile, dynamic than, say, natural.

Жизнь общества как социальной системы постоянно is in a state of motion. The pace, scope and quality of these changes may be different; in the history of the development of mankind there was a time when the existing order of things did not change fundamentally for centuries, however, with the passage of time the rate of change began to grow. Compared with natural systems in human society, qualitative and quantitative changes occur much faster, which indicates that society is constantly changing and is in development.

Society, as, indeed, any system, showsorderly integrity. This means that the elements of the system are inside it in a certain position and are more or less related to other elements. Consequently, society as an integral dynamic system has a certain quality that characterizes it as a single whole having a property that none of its elements has. This property is sometimes called nonadditivity of the system.

Society as dynamic system is characterized by one more feature thatis that it belongs to a number of self-governing and self-organizing systems. This function belongs to the political subsystem, which gives consistency and harmonious correlation to all elements that form a social integrated system.

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