/ / Abbreviation "A C A B". What is it?

Abbreviation "A C A B". What is it?

Relations between citizens and law enforcement agenciesnever been smooth and calm. People find their dissatisfaction with the police in different ways. One is simply to say a strong word or another to people in the form, others need to write something offensive on the fence or wall, while others prefer to make on their body a tattoo that reflects their worldview, or to put things on with an eloquent image.

a c a b what is it

"A C A B" - what is it?

This abbreviation is widely distributed inBritish prisons. In addition, there is evidence that such a slogan was used by British miners during strikes. In the seventies she was popularized by The 4-Skins, recording the song of the same name. Today, "A C A B", the meaning of which is not clear for everyone, is widely used by football fans, skinheads, street gangs and simple hooligans. Anarchists, punks, rappers remain aloof from this call.

a c a b value
Расшифровка «A C A B» весьма простая.The inscription indicates the initial letters of the words from the phrase: "All Cops Are Bastards", which can be translated as "All cops are bastards". Today it has practically worldwide fame. In Russia there is even an analog ("cops - goats"), which is also often found in the form of graffiti. It is interesting that the English-language reduction in our country lives much longer: its years do not erase utility services. The Russian-language inscription disappears in a week or two. Maybe the reason is in banal ignorance of the meaning of this word, or maybe in loyalty to a foreign language.

Alternative reading

Every year English and Westernculture are becoming more popular in our country. Few people have not heard of "A C A B", that this, even a schoolboy knows. Moreover, this phrase is promoted intensely. There was already mentioned a song with such a title and content, and in Russia you can buy clothes with such an inscription, in 2012 the film was released Stefano Solima, after watching which there are no questions, and so on.

Современные предприниматели даже идут на tricks, coming up with alternative abbreviations. How many situations can you get into the future? Here they are to the question: "" A C A B "- what is this?" - state what this means:

  • "All Cops Are Beautiful" - all policemen are beautiful;
  • "Always Carry A Bible", that is, "I always carry a Bible with me."

Perhaps, very soon there will be other optionsperusal of this reduction. Today, this abbreviation has become an acronym and is pronounced not in letters, but in a single word. There is also a plural - "AKAB".

decoding a c a b

Drawings on the body

So, the meaning of abbreviation "AKAB" is very clear.You can safely say, speaking of "A C A B", that this is the most common prison tattoo. It was applied, as a rule, to the fingers of the hand (one letter per phalanx). Today, such a pattern can decorate any part of the body: brushes, back, buttocks, head, chest. Do it as men, and the fair sex. And it is not necessary to sit in places not so remote, the main thing is to be ready to go to bunks for your beliefs or in the interests of your gang. The letters are written in a beautiful font, complemented by decor elements, different pictures. After all, with such "decoration" a person will have to spend the rest of his life.

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