/ / Angela or Angela: how to spell? The origin and meaning of the name

Angela or Angela: how to spell? The origin and meaning of the name

Words of foreign origin often causequestions when writing, because written in the same way they can have a different pronunciation. In this regard, linguists around the world decided not to translate names into other languages, even if it has similar analogues. On the one hand, this practice helps people to be properly named, regardless of which country in the world they are in. On the other - brings extra complexity. Among such controversial words is the female name Angela (or Angela). How do you spell it right? Let's find out about it, and also consider the meaning of the noun and the history of its appearance in Russian.

How to translate the considered word from the Greek language

Before you learn how to write correctly - Angelaor Angela, it is worth considering the origin and history of this name. In modern languages ​​it came from Greek. In it, this name was formed from the word ἄγγελος ("messenger").

Angela or Angela

Associated with this word is the story of birth.Jesus Christ. An angel sent by the Lord reported to Virgin Mary about her chosenness and pregnancy. This is described in the Bible, and in this passage the above-mentioned word “messenger” was used.

 Angela or Angela

With the spread of Christianity, the term “angel” became actively used in speech and even turned into a name for a person.

Angel's Pre-Revolutionary Name

If you look at the lists of famous womenproper names in the pre-revolutionary Russian empire, Angela (or Angela) will be quite difficult to find there. But his analogue will be present - Angel.

A similar option was formed as a female counterpart.male name Angel and often used in past centuries. First of all, it was given to nuns during the tonsure, as well as to some orphans who were brought up at monasteries, to the daughters of priests.

how to spell the name angela or angela

Стоит отметить, что, хотя Ангела явно имело religious shade, in the world it was also very common. As a rule, so called blond babies with pretty features or girls who will have a docile, peace-loving character in the future. At least parents hoped for it. Often such a name was given to a child simply from euphony.

In addition to the Angels, its modified version - Angelina was often used in everyday life.

After the revolution

After the 1917 revolution, a lot has changed in the newly formed country. In addition to the abolition of the nobility and the transformation of the former empire into a republic, it was decided to do away with religion.

In this regard, it was outlawed, church property was ransacked, and the temples themselves were turned into museums, houses of culture, or simply warehouses.

Holders of surnames or names, at least somehow connected with belief in God, began to massively change them (the good was done easily) to more relevant times.

The angel, the angel, and their derivatives were reminders of angels and religion. In connection with the new policy, they began to be used as names for newborns less and less.

Appearance and distribution of the name Angela (or Angela) in the USSR

However, the fully addressed name has not disappeared.from everyday life. This was facilitated by the emergence of its counterpart - Angela (or Angela). In fact, it was still the same Angel, but the Bulgarian version of her pronunciation, Angela, was taken as the basis.

Especially popular in the Soviet Union, this name began to be used in the early seventies because of the resonance process over an American black Communist named Angela Davis.

how do you spell angela or angela

Slogan: "Freedom to Angela Davis!" at the time eclipsed all others. And in honor of the innocent victim of American outrage, many newborn girls were called.

It is worth noting that in the United States during these yearsPopularity name Angela rolls over. It was among the five most common. However, by the early eighties, began to give up their positions. Perhaps this was also connected with the fate of the American Communist.

How to spell a name: Angela or Angela

According to the modern rules of the Russian language, the female name in question is correctly written without the letter “d”, that is: “Angela”. Just like everyone like him: Angelica and Angelina.

However, there is a nuance.If it is not a Russian female name, but English (for example, as in the case of Angela Davis), then it should be written in accordance with its pronunciation in the original language. In this case, it is Angela Davis, through the "d." In the same way as the name Engela, which is written in Latin Angela, but in some languages ​​has an excellent pronunciation.

Angela or Angela as correctly

Such a policy, of course, causes someproblems, especially in writing, but it is a guarantee of mutual understanding. After all, for example, the Slavic name "Ivan" has long had its own equivalent in English - Ivan. However, it is worn out like Ivan. It turns out, if the Russian-speaking acquaintances will call Ivan, so named, Ivan, he simply will not understand that they are turning to him.

Or another similar situation.Walter Scott's famous novel "Ivanhoe" is written in English as Ivanhoe. It is clear that it is one-root to the name Ivan. But they did not translate it into Russian as “Ivango” or “Ivanko”.

The same principle applies to the question: “Angela or Angela?”. If we are talking about a Russian name, it is always written without the “d”. If foreign - depending on the pronunciation: Angela or even Angela.

The issue is stressed

Having considered which of the spellings (Angela or Angela) is correct, applicable to a Russian name, you should pay attention to the emphasis in it.

In the estate of Angela, it is always put on the secondsyllable [same]: angeles. If the English name is Angela, the emphasis is always on the first syllable. Regardless of whether it is pronounced as “Angela” or “Angela”.

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