/ / Peony care. After flowering, the plant should recuperate

Care for peonies. After flowering, the plant should recuperate

Peonies - strong hardy plants with beautifulcarved leaves and fragrant flowers. They are very decorative and serve as decoration of any garden. The buds begin to bloom in early June and delight us, depending on the variety, until mid-summer. Shrubs bloom very abundantly and can lie down under the weight of their heads, so they must be tied up. Only non-terry peonies can do without support.


In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, it is necessary to waterplant solution of potassium permanganate. This will help protect young shoots from rot and stimulate the development of the root system. When sprouts appear, they must be treated with Bordeaux mixture. Next, the plants need to be carefully loosened, weeding and fertilizing.

peony care after flowering

Over the summer, peonies are fed 3 times: at the beginning of growth, at the budding stage and after flowering.

They do not tolerate stagnant water in the roots, but twice inmonth need good watering. Especially in the late spring, during the rapid growth, and in the middle of summer. It is very important to provide full care for peonies after flowering. In these one and a half months new buds are laid, and the plant should get enough moisture and nutrients.

Before frosts, the aerial part is cut at the base, plant residues are burned.

How to get large flowers

This can be achieved by pulling out buds on the side shoots while they are still the size of a pea. It is necessary to leave one head on one peduncle so that it develops in full force.

peonies spring care

From the bush you can take no more than a third for a bouquetflowers, the rest must be left. It is important to preserve the vegetative mass of the plant and cut the stems only 1/3 of their height. Care for peonies after flowering is to remove falling petals - once on the leaves, they can trigger fungal diseases.

Молодые экземпляры в возрасте до 3 лет должны increase the root system, so the buds are removed from them completely. The richest bloom comes at the age of 4-10 years, although the bush can successfully grow in one place to 60 years.

A place under the sun

Sometimes plants develop well, but formvery few buds. They get enough moisture, all the necessary fertilizers, after the flowering of peonies is also carried out according to all the rules, but the result of efforts remains modest. What is the matter?

Peonies love the sun.Even 2-3 hours of shading per day can be bad for them. They are not planted near the walls, in tree trunks, near buildings. Peonies are suitable only open sunny areas.

Soil requirements

Пионы неприхотливы, но у них есть свои preferences. They grow best on cultivated, well-drained loams. The reaction of the soil should be neutral. Caring for peonies in the country should include a periodic measurement of acidity, since the fertilizer usually acidifies the earth. If necessary, the soil must be lime.

Peat has an acidic reaction; peonies do not like it either as a fertilizer or as mulch.

What to feed peonies

peony care in the country

Feedings start from the first year of landing - fromthe moment of occurrence of sprouts until the end of June. It is best to use mullein. He divorces at a ratio of 1:10 and is poured into the pre-spilled water grooves around the bush. Then they are covered with earth.

Korovyak can be replaced by the introduction of full mineral fertilizer, it is also able to provide full care for peonies.

After flowering, the plant needs phosphorus and potassium to strengthen the tissues. They are also introduced into the groove, then moistened and covered with earth.

Twice in the summer peonies can be sprayed with Epin or Zircon.

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