/ / What is a lesson in ancient Russia? The concept of "lessons" in ancient Russia

What is a lesson in ancient Russia? The concept of "lessons" in ancient Russia

What is a lesson in ancient Russia? This concept is closely connected with the name of Olga (c. 920 - 969) - the widow of Prince Igor of Kiev, who was killed by the Drevlyans in the city of Iskorostena.

Prince of Kiev Igor Rurikovich

To fully disclose the concept of "lessons" inAncient Russia, you need to start to consider the story from the beginning, from the very beginning, that is, with the death of Prince Igor. He was on the throne after the death of the Varyag Oleg the Prophetic. It is surprising that this prince did not show anything. Several trips to Byzantium ended unsuccessfully. In addition to the prolongation of the trade agreement with the Greeks, already signed by Oleg in 911, the career of a ruler is not remarkable. Only the episode of infamous death remains.

what is a lesson in ancient Russia

Igor's deed may seem strange.It lies in the fact that, after completing the annual collection of tribute in the lands of his subjects, the Drevlians, his warriors remain dissatisfied with her size. And then the prince returned to the Drevlyan capital of the city of Iskorosten (Korosten) with the aim of re-requesting. And the rebellious population is killing him.

Princess Olga - the first woman on the throne

Power passes to the widow of a prince.In a country where warriors ruled, a weak woman had to prove to her people and opponents that she could be equal to her husband. She begins with revenge. In the annals mention 4 actions included in the history of her rule.

what are the lessons in ancient Russia definition

These are peculiar riddles to the Drevlians, connected withfuneral ritual. The last massacre of the Drevlians was the destruction of their capital. Having made a military march on Iskorosten with his son Svyatoslav at the head of a large detachment, the princess burned down a wooden city.

What was called "lessons" in ancient Russia?After the suppression of the Drevlyane, Olga began to work to eliminate the causes of the rebellion and shortcomings of the state system, this meaning gained a concept that has come down to our times.

Economic and political situation at the beginning of the tenth century in ancient Russia

Until the reign of the Kiev princess Rus remained inVarangian jurisdiction. Its rulers Rurikovichi made distant campaigns, built fortresses. From ancient sources it is clear that the Vikings did not have their own statehood and could not bring this experience to Russia. They actively mastered the rivers and trade routes, and were related to the local nobility.

concept of lessons in ancient Russia

With the advent of water trading hubs beginsurban growth, infrastructure arises. This was a powerful impetus to the development of socio-economic relations and a certain order. The authorities already in antiquity became the legislator and organizer of the economy. Princes take control of the waterway. Formed a state called Kievan Rus.

Attempts to control and centralize: what does "lessons" mean in Ancient Rus?

The emerging elite received funds forthe realization of their ambitions to seize Byzantium, legitimizing a tribute from the conquered tribes and Novgorod: 300 hryvnia annually for the sake of peace. The polyudia described in the textbooks, that is, the collection of tribute by the Kiev princes with money and natural products, did not end with the movement of the collected good. In the spring of the court with a tribute from Novgorod, Smolensk, Chernigov and others gathered in Kiev. And in June the fleet with goods went to Constantinople. This is indicated by the medieval treaties with Byzantium, where most of the articles are devoted to the legal regulation of trade.

Князь и его дружина были единственным органом authorities fastened Slavic tribal lands. They were tribute collectors and bailiffs. The squad received part of the funds through polyude, part of the duties and military campaigns. The population was supposed to provide them during the execution of their duties. In ancient Russia, a special control mechanism was formed: the non-feudal-vassal type of relationship. The bulk of the population - the community members (free peasants), the other part - the squad. Due to the lack of land ownership, the prince received income from the population, that is, a tribute.

Taxation in the IX-X centuries

Every year from November to April, the prince’s squad received income in two ways:

  • transport - obligatory delivery to the princely court of products of agriculture and crafts;
  • Polyudia - a detour of the land by a squad and the collection of money, food, and goods.

The executors of the tax program were junior warriors.

graveyards and lessons in ancient Russia

The tax system was direct and notProvided norms and clear order. Taxes were irregular and sometimes excessive, which caused discontent and riot. Only in the middle of the tenth century did an orderly procedure appear for the first time, explaining what a lesson is in Ancient Rus.

There were a number of indirect taxes in the form of trade duties and court fines:

  • Myt was charged for the transport of goods across the mountain and water borders;
  • weight and measure, respectively, for weighing and measuring goods;
  • trading was taken from traders in the markets;
  • living room was charged for the device warehouses;
  • vira - a fine for killing a serf.

Reforms of Princess Olga

Igor's death pushes Olga to the firststate act. Pogosts and lessons are introduced. This in ancient Russia marked the start of economic activity. Before her, the main direction of the established state was aggressive policy, not internal control. The “lessons” of meaning in Ancient Russia, their definition and importance for the country are described in detail in the chronicles of Nestor. Olga did not rob the land, but flexibly managed: "Volga is walking with a group of people, setting up charters and lessons." Her reforms were peaceful.

the meaning of the word lessons in ancient Russia

The princesses were converted by:

  • establishing the size of the tribute;
  • the appointment of dannies responsible for the collection of tribute;
  • Determination of strong points - special places for fees.

Lessons and graveyards in ancient Russia

To fully understand what a lesson inAncient Russia, you need to study article 8 of the modern NK RF. In fact, this reform was the first attempt on the path to monocracy and the rule of law. Innovation required new conditions and relationships. Charters and lessons consisted in the regulation of duties and the publication of legal acts for the leadership of the authorities. The camps and graveyards testify to surveying the boundaries and appointing responsible persons, and since the collection of tribute was held in winter, warm rooms and provisions were needed. The remoteness of the graveyards required local control. Thus, a set of measures was undertaken for the peaceful settlement of the domestic economy.

which means lessons in ancient Russia

First of all, the princess divided the land in the townships, the centers of which made the graveyards - large trading villages that stood along the banks of the rivers.

So what are the lessons in ancient Russia?The definition is given in Russkaya Pravda, which speaks of important tiunakh officials. They collected tribute from the tribes and made judgment. Usually the truth was established through witnesses. If they did not turn out, the Thiuns resorted to the help of pagan clairvoyants. Guilty paid a fine, and in case of disobedience of the local authorities, the militia was called for help. The princess's supreme authority exercised control when she could suddenly appear with the inspection, and the grief was to the guilty or lazy tyun.

The origin of the word "lesson"

Значение слова «уроки» в Древней Руси имеет смысл contract, transaction, mutually beneficial relationship. The etymology of the term will help in more detail to understand what it is. The word leads to the Proto-Slavic language and comes from the one-root "speech / resch", when the language was formed in pagan conditions and in the process of ritual actions. The word “river” expresses a certain worldview and is associated with witchcraft, and later with the adoption of Christianity, with God and its rules established on Earth.

what were the lessons in ancient Russia called

Russian verb "urochit" similar in sound with“To prophesy” it makes sense to “cast a spell, assign”, the lesson is “witchcraft with the help of words”. Under the influence of impurity sounds, several derivatives of the “river” appeared: rock, utter, prophet, blame, blame, vow, and lesson. Then the word “lesson” takes on clearer forms and is defined as “a rule, tax or payment”. Subsequently, the value is narrowed and carries a figurative meaning: “something instructive”, whence we have the combination “school lesson”, “school hour”.

What is a lesson in ancient Russia: conclusion

The development of new commodity-money relationsbased on the lesson - a fixed amount of tax. Repeated collection from the payer under this system was not possible. The reforms strengthened the central government, created a firm organization of taxation, defined administrative boundaries, expanded the administrative apparatus. Were distinguished own and state ownership and income.
Ольга активно вела не только внутреннюю политику, but also spiritually grew, carrying out foreign policy. Having adopted Christianity, being the ruler of a pagan state, she performs the second act - the spiritual one. She gave the country a state-cultural profile, which was greatly facilitated by the development of a lesson. Orthodoxy in ancient Russia was gaining strength and self-consciousness.

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